Chapter 25: Two Kings

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"My son, come have this cup of tea with me" the King invited, he seemed to be in a good mood today.

"It would be my pleasure" Jungkook curtly smiled, sitting ahead of the man.

"Pyre day has always been my favorite holiday of the year" the man started, "I love to see our people celebrate our element and take pride in being who they are" he added. 

"It's all in your honor my King, I am glad you are enjoying yourself" Jungkook replied, having a sip of his sweet tea. Oh how he missed this taste, this was one of Jimin's concoctions surely. After uncovering his pharmacist's schemes, the Prince never accepted any product he made but he has to admit these teas are heavenly.

"Do you know why I called you here today son?" the man asked, setting his cup down and looking at the Crown Prince intently. 

"Your intentions weren't conveyed to me I'm afraid, I was only told to meet you today at this time" Jungkook shook his head.

"Surely, that's because this topic is a bit private" the King claimed, "I've gotten word that you have finally... found someone you fancy" he lightly phrased. 

Oh God... Jungkook mentally sighed.

"And it's someone very appreciated amongst the people and the royals" He pointed out, watching Jungkook's nervous expression as he spoke.

"Indeed father, what you heard is true" Jungkook confirmed, not ready to hear the rest of this conversation. 

"And so... Are you ready to tell me who they are?" his father inquired, his voice not as strong as it usually was, as if trying to handle the situation delicately. He was even fiddling with his fingers on his lap, anticipation clearly visible on his face.

"Before I tell you anything, may I know how you've come to find out about this?" Jungkook asked, his heart beating in his ears. 

"Queen Linha may have blurted out something about this recently... I'm sure it was unintentional don't blame her" his father replied, leaving him confused. 

How did she even know? Did Sunmi have fun telling everybody? Jungkook wondered.

"Right, then I'm sure you already know who it is" Jungkook concluded. This was too early, when he imagined himself breaking the news to his father he thought he would be happy and in love. He was currently neither. 

Surely his feelings fo Jimin hadn't subsided but they were still too complicated, and with everything going on between the Queen's threats and the political issues he was seeing to, he didn't have time to untangle his emotions. Sunmi chose this timing to make it public because she knew it would distract him even more.

"I do, but I hoped you would tell me yourself... As your father, finding someone to cherish is one of the biggest blessings I wished you, and it finally came true" he smiled looking at his son.

The King was aware that Jungkook didn't have the brightest childhood as he had lost his mother at a young age. Then, he immediately started training and learning how to become a proper heir to the Crown, even became General later on with the fate of the entire Kingdom practically on his shoulders. His people blamed him for all the misfortunes they lived and that is a heavy cross to bear. Too heavy for a 24 year old young man.

He experienced more tragedy than one would in a lifetime, yet never did Jungkook make any demands or act spoiled as other Princes would. He was always reliable and took his responsibilities very seriously, sometimes going over the edge and drowning himself in the pressure. 

The only times the King complained about his behavior were when Jungkook put himself at risk. He gave him unpleasant punishments and made him go through suppression training because if not for that wakeup call, he was afraid Jungkook would allow himself to do things that would deny him of his reign at all. 

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