Chapter 8: Sakura

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"Here we keep all our floral goods, dried petals, ground stems... If you ever need a plant that isn't in this shed, you can notify me or any of us and we shall fetch it for you, no need to do it yourself sir Park" the apprentice said as he gave him a tour of the area. 

It was Jimin's first day in the palace as the Crown Prince's pharmacist and he was already so excited to start working. This area of the palace was a dream to him, full of all the the ingredients he could ever think of, making him curious as to what he could possibly create. 

He had his first meeting with the palace pharmacist sir Lee earlier that day to discuss the logistics for making the teas and soaps. They agreed on the different kinds they will be producing and even added new custom ones for the other members of the royal family. 

Jimin was pleased to know that Queen Linha specifically asked for an assortment of her own and didn't talk to the King for a week because he didn't gift her any. Sir Lee said he was jealous his teas weren't loved as much, but that he also fancied one of Jimin concoctions so he couldn't disagree. Smiling to himself, Jimin walked around the garden, exploring the palace and getting used to where everything was. 

So far, he was treated very well, fed delicious food, given a nice comfortable room to rest in, the only thing left is to get to know the people around here

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So far, he was treated very well, fed delicious food, given a nice comfortable room to rest in, the only thing left is to get to know the people around here. He would love to maybe make a friend he could talk to whenever he wasn't on duty. That would also be useful if he ever brought his sister over, they could offer her company if possible and keep an eye on her if needed. 

Who should I befriend... Court ladies? That would be a good idea for Mina. A guard? They are generally too busy. Could I possibly meet Jungil again? I should make sure I don't overstep my boundaries and approach a royal. That could cost me my title... Perhaps I should hold off until I get to know who everyone is-

Pulling him from his trance was a short cough surging from behind. He quickly turned around and was met by none other than the Crown Prince. But as much as Jimin would love to ignore him, he would rather stay alive, at least until getting his revenge. 

So he bowed.

"My Prince. I hope you had a radiant morning" he said with a polite smile on his lips.

"I hope the same for you sir Park" he simply replied.

Jungkook kept his expression stoic as he walked past him, signalling him to walk together. Of course, Jimin stayed about half a step behind since it was seen disrespectful to walk at the same level as the royals. 

Their arms behind their backs, they wandered further towards a balcony with a view on the court, where Jungkook could see his brothers play. He finally let his straight expression break with a small smile and cleared his throat. 

"Allow me to ask you how your meeting with sir Lee went" he spoke.

"It went very well, sir Lee is very knowledgeable. I'm glad to be working with him" Jimin replied, paying attention to every detail of Jungkook's expression.

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