Chapter 16: Light of Hope

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"Sir Park, here I thought you wouldn't grace me with your presence today" Jungkook said when he saw the other man waiting at the door of his quarters.

"My Prince, how have you been? I see you take precious care of locking your premises now" Jimin asked, his voice serious and professional, nothing like last night.

"I've been well" Jimin was wearing an Indigo Blue knee-long fitted tunic with black fitted pants, and a black see-through outer Hanfu piece. "Quite the stylized attire, tired of traditional Hanfus sir Park?" Jungkook said pulling out the keys to his quarters.

"When in doubt, choose change" Jimin replied "Or at least that's what I heard" he chuckled.

"I'm surprised that you are not too grumpy this morning" Jungkook pointed out with a small smile. He was taken aback by the playfulness of the pharmacist, it was refreshing.

"You seem to have gone through a lot since the last time we met on the other hand, who did you catch snooping my Prince?" the other joked, walking slightly behind the taller man. He was in a good mood, mainly because of last night, but also because he made up his mind to stall his revenge a little. 

Not waking up with the mindset of a murderer certainly has its perks.

He didn't know if poisoning him is the right solution anymore. This morning when showering, he thought about this entire situation along with Jungil's words. In the end, he considered hurting him in a way that wouldn't be fatal, maybe just compromising his position. 

If he manages to rule him out of the crown, he would already feel great about not having him as a King. Maybe find a dirty secret, General Jungkook has probably broken a law or two... Something that would make him lose his titles and the people's trust. All of this needed a lot of additional planning, so for the time being, he was engaging in a partial truce. 

The teas are still poisoned, just for safety measure, but he won't deliver the fatal blow yet.

"Well, nobody needs to be in my personal area when I am not, don't you think?" Jungkook replied and opened the door to his office. 

"If that is what you wish, of course" Jimin simply said. 

"How were your days? I hope you were staying busy sir Park" Jungkook asked as he sat in his chair, inviting the other to do the same with a gesture of his hand. 

"How could I not, tending for entire troops isn't easy after all" he answered, setting some papers on the wooden surface.

"What are those documents?"

"Just a few medical prescriptions for your soldiers. I need your signature so that I can start making the medicine" he replied. The other taking them in his hand and reading the contents carefully before nodding and signing away.

"To be honest, I am surprised to find you available so early" Jimin said while Jungkook took care of the paperwork.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook simply asked, looking up from the desk.

"I thought you would still be resting, your highness"

"Oh I had a schedule this morning, attacking the Queen comes with intense community work" he replied with a humorous tone. 

"I hope you aren't overworking yourself"

"Please worry not, but rather tell me more about the doubts you're having" he replied, pushing the papers back towards Jimin and settling his forearms on the desk. 

"I wouldn't dare bore you with my simple life" Jimin modestly replied.

"With everything going on in mine, maybe I need a bit of simplicity" Jungkook sighed. He was curious to see whether the other would open up to him.

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