Chapter 20: Never The Same

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"Did you really think you would get away with it if I died?" Jungkook asked in a mocking tone.

"I would've. Do you want to try it out?"

"Poison is the first thing they would test me for. As soon as they find it you would be the prime suspect" Jungkook challenged.

"If they find it. Which they won't." Jimin replied, rubbing his eyes dry.

"Undetectable, I see... It matters not, I would have known even without the bird I'm sure"

"Oh of course you would've, always flattering yourself your highness" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"How can you be so sure of yourself?" Jungkook knit his eyebrows.

"Because this was not the only teabag I poisoned" Jimin started, a hint of evil in his eyes as he spoke, "In fact all of them were. That's right, you've been drinking all of that poison for months like a good little boy" he meant to offend, and that he did.

"I don't understand, why am I still alive?" Jungkook asked, bewildered at his naiveness.

"Because I didn't want you dead yet" Jimin replied, not giving away anything.

"Explain to me how it works" Jungkook demanded out of curiosity.

"Why would I do that" Jimin asked in turn "Why would I give you the details of my plan like that, do you even think?"

"Why not? It failed already, you might die by the end of the day, and if you think I'll let you anywhere near my food again meanwhile, you're wrong" Jungkook answered, he will say whatever it takes to find out. Jimin stared at him for a while, considering what to say.

"Come on spit it out, you don't have all day" Jungkook pushed again, trying to stress him out.

"The poison is only undetectable if the victim has immunity for at least 50% of its strength" he gave in. the Prince was right, this plan won't work another time, especially not on him, so why bother keeping the secret.

"You were making me immune to you own weapon? How?"

"Every week's worth of tea had a certain dose of poison. It started very low with a doze that doesn't faze the human body, but it was crucial for your immune system to start getting used to the new substance. The doze increased at the beginning of every week and stayed constant during it" he elaborated and the other listened carefully. Quite fascinated with the process but won't voice that out.

"After you acquired the necessary immunity, I prepared this week's teabags and gave them to you. Although this time was different. Your new doze only stayed constant for 5 days, it increased in the 6th bag, then again in the 7th"

So much planning for this... He's been playing me like a pawn for months.

"The idea was to catch your body by surprise. I would carefully prepare it, consistently condition it for the poison, then higher the doze at once to cause a life-threatening allergic reaction. Think of it like a bee sting, the first time you'll be fine, but the second might give you anaphylaxis" he easily explained, his dexterity in the topic impressing Jungkook more than he'll admit.

"Then why didn't you trigger this allergic reaction in the first weeks?" he asked, having a hard time to wrap his mind around this.

"As I said, the first few dozes were too weak, the reaction would've given you a slight fever and muscle ache but that's it"

"Then what about later? You didn't have to stick around for this long" Jungkook asked again.

"Were you even listening? Shocking you body before it develops the necessary immunity will make pink and red spots appear on your skin the moment you consume the tea. That is one of the main symptoms of poison, and then I definitely would have gotten caught" he sighed in exasperation.

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