Chapter 1: The Crown Prince

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"General Jungkook and his army are back!"

General Jungkook is the crown prince of Goryeo, yet no one knows too much about him. He is said to be cold and unforgiving of nature but a great soldier and very strong Pyre. He directed many of his kingdom's battles and won them all, at prices sometimes more hefty than others. Word goes around that his orders have left countless of men for dead, others to be taken prisoners, and the ones to survive scarred for life. When the soldiers come back from the war, Jungkook is always leading, riding his horse glorious, followed by a ridiculously smaller number of men. 

The people await the moment with dread but nonetheless hope of seeing their loved ones return home, many of which have been disappointed, losing a husband, father or son to the horrors and pain of battle. Those people have all heard the rumors; some were prepared and accepted their loss to violence, but others grieved with the strong and building grudge against general Jeon Jungkook consoling them. 

The young man didn't want the throne, he didn't want to lead a country he knew despised him. They never voiced it out in fear of the fate that might befall them, but he realized it every time he crossed the gate to the city under daughters' silent glares, and mothers' agonizing muffled screams.He wanted the war and bloodshed, because that's the only thing that kept him away from home where he was reminded of the monstrous character he is in the eyes of innocent children. 

Jungkook was a bright young man, his father the king entrusted him with the kingdom's fate because he believes he raised him to be strong and fearless. Training his swordsmanship and element proved to be nothing too difficult for the prodigy who, unbeknownst to his impressed father, had stayed up late, or even skipped sleep a few nights to be able to master new techniques. 

He did a lot for his father's satisfaction, but gaining the people's trust at the same time was where he failed. Nobody wants to believe in the goodness of a man who's had blood on his hands in more ways than one, a man who is said to take lives for his own sake, a man who wouldn't even apologize for his people's losses.

He thought about it countless times; what will happen when his father passes away. Eyes fixed on the small Kwanzan cherry tree in the courtyard of his Hanok, an instance of life he is keen on taking care of despite his element, he let images of the last battle glaze his eyes. 

Swords clashing, fire starting, and the ground shaking. His men screaming in pain, choking on their own blood and burning alive. He sees soldiers falling one by one but there's only so much he can do about it when he's fighting for his own life. Retreat was not an option, it would've saved lives then, but the day would come when the enemy takes it as a weakness and attacks even bolder; there won't be much to protect anymore. 

"My prince, I've come to you bearing wonderful news" He heard the advisor say, he would never mistake that husky voice for anybody else's. The middle-aged man approached in a steady pace, stopping a couple of feet behind the younger. 

"Should I ask for another one of these?" The prince questioned referring to the tree, softly dragging his finger on the bumpy bark. The man looked at the it and then at the Prince whose back was still turned.

"That would solely depend on your heart's desire my Prince" he replied. 

"But you're my advisor currently, what do you advise me to do?" the Prince asked again, creating an interrogative look on the elder's face.

"Well, a root this strong and healthy would need to be brought in from the kingdom of Japan, a trip that long would need a good number of men. However, we've just gotten back from a battle and the men are still recovering-" 

"I've heard enough, thank you. The good news?" The prince faced the elder with a subtle smile on his face and his arms behind his back, indulging in a walk alongside the other. 

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