Chapter 9

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It was 5 weeks after the boys had asked us girls to be replacements for Zach because he has broken his ankle, smashed, his elbow and had a hairline fracture to his hip, so he can't perform for their first headline tour. He could only come to the shows in Sydney, because he couldn't fly, because of his broken bones. Us girls had matching outfits that Zach would of been wearing for a few songs, that were made to fit us. We started rehearsing with the boys and nailed each song and each set of dance moves.

It was nearly time for the first show of their very first tour, with the support act of Fortunate. We all had been rehearsing all week. It was a couple of days before the first show and I was going on with them first. I was getting nervous.

"Everything is going to be okay, once your on stage you will love it. Trust me babe." Trent was saying to me as I was rehearsing, trying to see if I can perfect it even more.

"I know, Im just nervous, I mean I don't want to stuff up!" I say shaking.

"Come here." Tret pulled me into a tight hug, "Your going to do fine, don't worry, plus you've got us on stage with you too. So please stop worrying." He said as he started kissing me. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and I was just starting to cut up the ingriedents for dinner we were having Chicken Alfredo, we both loved, it was a nice easy dish to cook, but tonight i have to do a BIG batch, because the boys were coming over to mine and Trent's place for dinner, so I started chopping up earlier than usaual so all the preparing would get done before they were here and I could have the chicken, onion and bacon cooking - hopefully. I had just put the chicken, onion and bacon in when the boys arrived. Trent answered the door and helped Zach to the couch. I got them all drinks and then went back to cooking. About 20 Minutes later I had dished up dinner and sereved it to them. For dessert I made Chocolate CheeseCake and Carmel Slice. After dinner and dessert, Alana pulled me into another room to talk to me privately.

"Hey, Em?" she asked.

"Hey, yeah?" I say confused to why she pulled me into another room.

"Would you be my Maid of Honour? The other girls are my brides mades." She asks with a smile on her face.

"Yes, of course I will!!" I say to her with a smile on my face, and i give her a hug.

"Ok, after tour, you me, Jade, Nicole, Christina, will all go and get dresses tried on and everything."

We walked back out to the boys, and they were discussing movies to watch. We said anything but a horror! They picked Here comes the boom with Kevin James in it. It was a comedy. After the movie they all went back to their place and went to bed. Trent and I had more cheesecake then decided it was time for bed. We both fell asleep fairly quickly.

It was the day of the first concert and we got up early and started rehearsing for the show tonight. The boys came over a few hours later and we all started rehearsing together. The time had come to go down to the arena, where we were performing tonight, to do a full rehearsal of what we were performing, we did a full run through, and dress rehearsal. It was time to get ready and go on stage. I was so nervous.

Before we walked on stage we all stood around in a circle and prayed. As we walked down the corridore on stage we could hear thousands of girls screaming their names. Zach came and was back stage with Alana, Christina, Nicole and Jade






We walked on stage and that's when I lost all of my nervousness. The girls started screaming!!!!

"Hello, Sydeny, how are you tonight?" WIll greeted them.

"Now you might see that Zach is missing. And we have my beautiful girlfriend Emily filling in for him." Trent said.

" Zach had his appendex out recently, then slipped over in the shower and broke his ankle and a hairline fracture to his hip." Jayden said.

"Lets start shall we?!" Julian

We had the most fun on tour with the boys, we all performed at different places and had so much fun. Zach could only come to the Sydney concerts, because of his broken ankle and hairline frcuature. It was the most fun I have ever had on tour, the experience was the most increible thing. Being on that stage was the most amazing thing, the adrealine so overpowering, I didn't want the show to end. I don't think any of us wanted it to. All of us girls had so much fun performing with our boys. After our final show in Hobart we al went out and celebrated our time together performing. We all dressed up nice and went out for a late dinner at a nice Italian resturant. Us girls started talking about the wedding and what colour bridesmaides dresses should be and some other details about the wedding. We decided that when we get back home we would talk about it more.

"This experience has been the best time of my life, I don't want it to end ever!!" I said to them.

"I don't want it to end either, I'm going to miss performing." Alana said.

"I wish we could relive this over again, I love performing now." Christina said.

"I wish we could be a girl group! That wouid be awesome!" Jade said.

"YES!" all us girls in unison.

"Girls, how are you this evening?" A lady came over to us and asked us.

"Were good. Thankyou, But who are you?"

"Im Micaela I'm the boys manager, and you girls are perfect, Sony and I are looking for a new hip and awesome GirlBand, what do you think?"

"OMG!! Are you sereious? Yes that would mean so much to us." I say to her.

"Okay then. When we get back to Sydeny, you girls would have a record deal to sign." She smiles and walks off.

"OMG, we''ve got a record deal. I can't believe it!" Alana

"I know, what should we call ourselves?" Jade asked with a smile on her face.

"I dont know, we should think about it!" Christina said.

"Yeah long and hard." I told them.

The boys came over and asked us what we were talking about, and why we all had huge smiles on our faces. We told them that Micaela had just came over and said we had a record deal waiting for us to sign back at sony. They were thrilled and so happy, for us.

"Theres more celebrate now." Wil said smiling and calling for the waitor to come over. He all took our orders and came back with our drinks.

"That's right, a perfect way to end a tour. With our girls, and that they have just been signed to a record lable." Jayden says as he kisses Christina.

"Congratulations to our beautiful girls for getting signed and helping us our on tour." Trent said as he raised his glass and squeezed my waist.

"To all of us!" We all cheered.

We had the best evening, with just all of us not having to work or anything. just having fun with our boys and with each other. After plently of drinks we all went back to our hotel and enjoyed the night even more with our man.

We had a late flight back to Sydney the next day. Trent and I woke up and went and woke the others up too, so they could pack and not forget anything. I packed my suitcase and left out some clothes so I could get changed. After the shower I got dressed and did my make-up and walked down to the lobby with Trent and waited for everyone to join us. It wasn't long after we got their everyone else came down and we all got into cars, Trent and myself in one with Will and Alana, and Jayden and Christina and Julian and Jade in another.

"Bro, the other boys have said yes, would you be my best man?" Will said to Trent after the car took off to got to the airlport.

"Of course man, that would be great," Ternt replied.

We all spoke about the wedding and all the preperations, that we need to do. Alana and I decied that the Bridesmaid dresses would be Light Blue and Mine as the Maid of Honour would be Aqua, But said that we would discuss things more when we get home.

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