Chapter 5

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The boys were than happy to be our cushions, for the horror movie we were watching, I think we all hid in their chest nearly all the way through the movies. Each time I hid my face in Trent's chest he arm around me would tighten. 

By the end of the movie I was still freaked out, and so were the other girls, I looked around the room and all our faces were white.

"Girls our turn to choose a movie now." I said to them as they started to sit up. And colour come back to their faces. "What movie should we make the boys watch girls?" I asked them.

"What about Dark Shadows or This means war?" I asked the girls and we chose both, we put Dark shadows on forst, but we all had toliet breaks, and iI we all go into our pjs, I was still using Trent's tshirt and boxers, we all used our boys shirt and boxers for pjs. The boys put there pjs on too. We all sat down and started watcheing Dark Shadows. and about half an hour into it, it started to rain. I got up and went to look out the window. I suddenly feel warm arms around my waist. 

"What are you look beautiful" I hear Trents soft voice whipser in my ear.

"Just looking out at the rain. And thinkng. I have never been kissed in the rain before." I answer him. 

"Come one then."  He says with a smile on his face. 

He takes my hand and leads me outside. We stand in the rain for a second and he outs his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. cups my face with both hands and kisses me passionately. I move my hands up his chest and around his neck and grab a chunk of hair and kiss him back passionately. We stand there kissing for awhile. Until our kiss gets broken up by all the others coming out one by one and kissing in the rain too.  Once we have all had our kisses in the rain we go back inside and sit on towels so we dont get the couch wet. We all finish watching Dark Shadows and decide it's time for bed, because we all only had a few hours asleep and Jade had already fallen asleep on Julian's chest. Jadealee on Jonoathans. The boys carried them to bed. and I said my goodnights and headed to bed with Trent right behind me, before we shut the door all the lights when out and we heard all the doors shut. I hopped staright into bed, and layed down with Trent right beside me and wrapped his arms around me, I could hear his heart beat, slow and steady. 

"I love you beautiful." He whispered in my ear and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I whispered back, I turned around and have him a kiss on the lips, passionately. After the kiss finished. I rest my head on his chest. 

"GoodNight, babe" I said to him and kissed his chest.

"GoodNight my Angel" he replied and kissed my forehead.

I fell asleep very quickly and slept like that for most of the night. I woke up early and got a drink of water for myself, and Trent wandered out and got one too. We took them back into the bedroom and I layed back down and looked at the clock 2:00 in the morning it read. Trent layed behind me and put his arms around me and we fell asleep again and didn't wake up until we were sure the sun was up. 

It was about 9:30 am when Trent and I emerged from the room. Everyone was out in the lounge room, while the boys were playing Fif, expect Will who doesn''t play x-box, he Alana were just watching the others. Trent and I joined them on the couch. 

"Morning." I mumbled still a little sleepy.

They all said "Morning." back. there wasnt enough room on the couch so i just sat on Trent's lap. After the game of fifa some of the boys played, we all got up and got some cereal for breakfast, Rice Bubbles. 

When we finished breakfast Trent and I went over to my place, so i could have a shower and put on some clean clothes. I told Trent to make himself at home and help himself to the kitchen. I jumped into the shower, and not long after I felt warm arms around me. He hopped into the shower with me. We kissed under the streaming water. Not long after we both hopped out and I put on some clean clothes. And he got dressed too. I walked out and went to the fridge and looked for something to eat. I felt his arms come around my waist and he rest his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck and cheek.

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