Chapter 14

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The next morning we went to pick my other uncle from the aiport so he can help with final details about the wedding and some more things. I was so glad that both of my uncles and Trent got on so well together and that they got on so well with the boys as well and the girls too. It was awsome having my uncle over from Perth and spending some time with him because I haven't seen him in awhile.The week he was here was the best week we had the most amazing time with him. He said to me before he left that he approved and that I picked the best guy out there for me, that meant a lot to me coming from my uncle, because my dad is not in my life and he probably wouldn't agree with Trent and I being a couple and me getting married so young, but my uncle also said that it's good to get married young because that way you have a lot more time to spend together before you start having kids and thinking about them too. It meant a lot to me what he said and I took it all in. Once we dropped him off at the airport and said goobye Trent and I went and got an ice-cream and talked about the week that was and how much fun we had with my uncle. We went stright to bed when we got because today was a big day for both of us, and the drive to the airport and back was big.

Trent and I started the day going shopping for a christmas tree, so we can put it up in our house and lights, decorations and lights for the window at the front of the house. We got back to the house and get in our togs and go next door to the boys place and hang out with them in the pool having drinks.

Its been a week and a half almost two weeks since the Wedding and we are all chilling and laughing and drinking margaritta's in the pool, when we here the front door open and close. To our surprise it was Will and Alana.

"What are you doing back?" Julian yelled out.

"Lana, wasn't feeling very well she was feeling nauseous, dizzy, tired all the time and she started vomiting, so we decided to cut the honeymoon short." Will said.

"You okay Alana?" I ask her.

"Just feeling sick. Can I talk to you in the other room Em" She asks me, I just nod my head.

"Em, I think I'm pregnant." She says.

"Lana, that's great news." I say smiling.

"I don't know though, because I haven't taken a test, but I am late." she tells me.

"Okay, well I need to get stuff for dinner, do you want me to get you a test?" I ask her.

"Yes please." She says smiling.

I go for a drive down to the shops with Trent, he wouldn't let me go alone. When I finally find a park, we get out and get stuff for dinner. The makings for chicken stirfry. We get some soft drink and the last item to get was the pregnancy test. When I picked it up, Trent looked at me and raised one eye brow.

"It's for Alana not for me yet babe." I say to him winking.

When we get home we unpack and I tell Alana to come with me and I hand her the box and tell her good luck. Lana returns a few minutes later but doesn't say anything to us just yet, her and Will go into their room, and a short time later they came back out. Alana asks us girls out tomorrow for lunch and to go shopping for ourselves and start shopping for christmas presents for our boys and each other that is coming up.

We ask them how their honeymoon was and they told us what they did. "Snorcaling, sucba-diving, a tour of island in a private glass boat. and lots more" Will said smiling. "The best time I have ever had." He says kissing Lana's cheek.

The next day us girls get into my car and go to the place we organised for lunch, I nice fancy restaurant we all sit down and pick out drinks to have we all have Lemon Lime and Bitters. Alana tells us she has some news.

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