Chapter 7

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It was the day after Zach was amittied into hoapital for appendicitis. We all had gone back home to the boys place. I woke up and looked over at Trent who was still sleeping, he looked so cute. I looked over at the alarm - 5:30am it read. I layed back down and went back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later and it was 9am. I looked over at Trent who was still sleeping, I got up out of bed. Trent stirred and mumbled; 

"Morning babe. What's the time?" His sleepy voice so sexy.

"Morning babe, it's 9 o'clock. What time are we going to visit Zach?" I say to him with a kiss. 

"soon, Let's get up and have breaky and talk to the others about it."

We get up and go have some breaky with the others. We talk about What time we are going to visit Zach.

After we had showers and got ready we all left to go and visit Zach.  When we walked into the hospital we could hear singing. Ass we turned the corner to Zachs room we could see him singing to the other paitents on the ward and making them feel better. 

"Oh HI boys." Nicole says to us, which majes Zach stop singing.  "Come join us, Join in with Zach." 

The boys join in and us girl just sit there and watch with smiles on our faces while we watch our boys do their thing. Jono, watches with us as he watches his big brother do his thing.  

We spend a few hours at the hospital and Zach can come home the following day, but he has to be on bed rest for at least 2-3 weeks. As we all head home to get the place clean and tidy for Zach the next day. Trent takes me back to the place where we were going to go the privous day -SK-DIVING. When we get to the Sky DIving place we get suited up and hop into the plane and as we assend I get more nervous. When we reach the highest point we could go, and Trent and an instructor, jumped out first and then it was time for me and an instructor to jump, I was ready and on the count of three we jumped . .  . 1..2..3 JUMP! The decend wasn't that bad, It was actually quite fun. 

As I got lower to the ground I could see 8 figures standing near a car with their arms crossed. uhoh It was the boys and their girlfriends - Zach and Nicole were missing, still at hospital - I reached the ground and got out of the grip with the instructor and ran over to the boys where Trent was already standing. I jumped on his back and made him freak out. They were talking about how we ditched them and came here instead of helping them clean. All the boys surprised their Girlfriends with Skydiving trips at that moment. Will and Alana went up first and Alana's face when she was back on the ground was priceless, it looked like she had just seen a ghost but they enjoyed. Jono and Jadealee were next and they were both freaking out about it. Jayden and Christina were next and they both looked fearless but when they came back down to the ground both of their faces were so funny, you could laugh all day. Julian and Jade were next and they both looked scared as anything. I felt sorry for them, because they were scared of hieghts, but they went through with it and succeeded, they both looked relieved after they had both feet flat on the ground. We all had never had this much fun together in awhile. I liked it. I wanted things like this to happen more often, even though we were missing Zach and Nicole, they could be here next time with us, when we do something like this again. After we all had got our videos back we all hopped into the cars again, and got driven back to the boys place. 

When we arrived at the boys place, we all went straight in and clean the house top to tail. so that it was spotless. I washed all the sheets and blankets, pillow cases ect and put fresh ones on each bed. Did a few loads of washing for the clothes after the sheets were done and hung them out on the clothes line, and hung them out to dry. After we had finished all of that Trent and I told everyone to relax and they got themsleves something to drink and Trent and I made dinner and dessert. Spag bowl for dinner and my famous Chocolate cheesecake that has been in my family's recipes for ages. We all enjoyed dinner by candle-light and th boys love my Chocolate Cheesecake so much they had seconds, we all had seconds actually. Once the dishes were done, we all sat down on the couch and out the tv on. We watch CSI: Miami and Bones, because we all love to watch these shows. After they finished we all headed to bed. 

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