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It was my frist full day after I had moved to Sydeny to get away from my family in Queensland. I decided it would be good to get to know my new neighbours. I walk outside and next door and I knock. 

*Knocks* I'm suprised to how answers the door.

Trent: "Hey, How can I help you?"

Me: "Hey, Im Emily, I'm your new neighbour, I though I should come and introduce myself."

Trent: "Hey Emily, nice to meet you, come on in. Boys our neighbour has come to visit." 

The boys are all sitting on the couch playing fifa, they all stop and look up at me, and smile. Trent introduces me to all them. 

"Have you moved in with anyone?" Julian asked me. 

"No, I haven't. I'm trying to get my friend to move in with me, because I don't like being alone by my self at night." 

"Were right next door, you dont have to worry, about that." Trent said with a smirk and a wink at me. 

 Zach, Will, Julian and Jayden all had to leave and to to the gym. and Trent stayed with me and we talked for hours, getting to know each other very well. He asked me questions about my age, my family, why I moved down to Sydney from the Gold Coast, and with each answer i told him the truth about my family and that there the reason why I moved away. We talked about him as well, and had coffee, and biscuits. I sat closer to him on the couch so that our legs were touching. I quickly leant in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. 

"I'm sorry." I said after I kissed him. "I just though it was the perfect moment, and right time."

"Don't appolgise, I was going to do the exact same thing."

When he said I think my face went as red as a tomato.  He leand in this time, but pushed me to lie down and started kissing me passioately. I ripped off his shirt and he had almost got mine off when the boys walked in. 

"Were back." Yelled Will. "What have you guys been up to.. Sh*t sorry to interput bro" Will continued. 

"Just came to get you Trent, and Emily, were all going out to dinner in two hours."

"Oh sweet as" Trent said as he put his shirt back on and I adjusted mine and he helped me up. 

"I'll be back in two hours, I'll go and get ready" I said smiling at boys (mainly Trent, who was staring at me smiling). Trent walked me home, and gave me a kiss on my doorstep. 

"I will see you soon, babe" He said as he kissed my forehead, and I walked inside. 

I went straight upstairs and took out my best dress, and heels and clutch. After they were sorted I jumped straight into the shower and washed my hair. 

After I was out i had one hour and 30 minuets left to get ready and do my hair and make up. 

I had the most beutiful blue dress on with gold straps, and black high heels, with a blue clutch, my make-up like I would normally wear it, and my hair up in a high ponytail. and my purple lepoard print sun glasses. 

As soon as im ready I hear a knock at my door and its Trent.

"You look so beautiful" he says to me and he kisses my cheek.

He takes my hand and leads me down to wear the boys are standing in front of the streatch hummer. 

The driver doesnt even asks wear to go he just goes. We pull up and everyone gets out and Trent helps me get out. And Then I noticed it, we were going to be Ronan's boat, I was with the Collective and they were meeting up with Ronan Keating, their mentor when they were on X-Factor. 

Trent saw my face and whispered in my ear "Suprise! You look so beautiful, lets go inside where its warm." 

Trent walked with me hand in hand, and helped me onto Ronan's boat but Ronan wasn't on it. We took the boat to where there was a gourge in the middle of Sydney Harbour, as we pulled up close, I saw that there was a long table with candles that were lit on it and a man who was sitting on it all by himself. 'It's Ronan' I thought to myself. has to be. 

The boys got off the boat and Trent helped me off, and walked hand in hand with me into the big area, were the other boys had aleady joined Ronan. And Ronan smiled at me and Trent when he saw us and gave trent a man hug, and gave me a hug and kiss on my cheek. 

We had the most enjoyable evening i have ever had, they played music you could dance too, and when a slow song came on, Trent got me up and started slow dancing with me. By this time, it was already after midnight, and we all left with Ronan, and went back to wear the limo was and we all got inside including Ronan and all went back to The boys place, and had a few more drinks. It was about 4 am when Trent and I went to bed and finished what we were going to do before.

I woke up at 10am in the morning and reliased what happened last night and smiled to myself. I felt warm arms pull back down to lie bac down. Trent starts kissing my cheeks, my forehead my shoulders and then my lips. 

"Good Morning beautiful, I hope you slept alright." he says after he finished kissing me.

"Like a baby"  I rely then kiss him. 

I get up to go and fetch myself some breakfast, wearing Trents top and boxers. Only to find there was steaming Hot Pancakes on the table that the boys had made. They tell us to dig in, so Trent and I sat down and he ate alot, me not so much. They all ate about 5 or 6 each, i only ate two. 

"What are you two up today" Zach says to Trent and me smirking. 

"Well, I have an appiointment at the beach today, to get a tan, who wants to come?"

"I'm in for sure" Trent says to me and smirks at me. 

Zach, Julian, Jayden, Will are all in as well. As soon as we finish breakfast, the boys got and get ready for the beach but Trent, he helps me clean up and rinse th dishes and out them away.  Once we finished that Trent got changed and I went with him and put my clothes back on, and Trent and I went to my place and I got changed, and Trent tied my Bikini top for me. 

As I turned to grab my towel and phone, sunnies and hat, i saw that the clothes of Trents I has worn when I got up were on bed. 

"Why are these on my bed?" I asked as Trent came back into the room.

"You said said you had no summer pjs, so you can have them until you can buy some." Trent said as we winked at me.

We got to the beach and swam and we all got tans, expect I got so tanned, because I fell sleep.

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