Chapter two

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Trent and I were walking hand in hand along the beach when we came to girl I though I used to know. 
"Christna?" I yell out to the girl.
"Em, is that you?" Christna said in Surpirse.
" Yeah it's me Chris!" I said to her as I ran up and gave her a big hug. "This is my Boyfriend Trent Bell, you might know of him and his group The Collective?" 
"Yes I love you guys" she said to Trent. "Where are the other boys?"
"On the beach up there, were just heading back come with us." 

We all walked alone the beach to the boys and I introuced Christina to the other boys. And Trent and I saw that there was an immediate romance between Jayden and Christina. Trent and I look at each other and smile. 

"Im going back into the water, come with me babe?"
"Sure babe." Trent and I grabbed, Will, Julian, Zach and left Christina and Jayden to talk.

When we were in the water we all looked at what was happening between them. We discussed how we all thought that there another new couple. Apart from Trent and myself, who just started dating.

"Babe, how about i cook you dinner tonight at your place?" Trent asked me.
"Sure i wouild love that." As I answered i felt his warm body come and hug me from behind, and he kissed me.
"I have to cook dessert though, i know you love it."

Trent agreed to let me cook dessert.

After we had finished at the beach we put our clothes back on over our bathers and put our towels in the car and we all went to have Italian for lunch, because we all love Italian.

 We all ate until we were full, and looked like we had food babies in our stomach, haha. After we had all finished lunch we all went back to Trent's place and we went jumped into his pool, and swam. We had a few drinks in the pool and some snacks; Fairy Bread (everyone loves fairy bread), mini pies and sausage rolls, and Carmel Slice that Trent and I made. 

It was about 5.30pm by the time Trent and I went back to my place and I started dessert and once that was done, i got changed out of my swimmers, and put a long summer Dress on. Trent had already put shorts on and a singlet. 

We had Italian again. With a few glasses of Champagne. After dinner, we took the Chocolate CheeseCake over to have some with the boys. All the boys enjoyed it. and it was nearly all gone by the time Trent and I went back to mine. 
We got ready for bed and, layed down in bed and put on a movie to watch, The movie was almost over when there was a knock on the door. 

It was Jayden and Christina. 
"Hey guys." Trent and I both said at the same time when wew answered the door. "Come in" I continued.

We went and sat on the couch and had coffee.
"So what have you been up to" Jayden asked Trent. 
"Had dinner, had dessert with you guys, then went and watched a movie then you to showed up."

A few hours later Jayden and Christina left and Trent and I decided to watch another movie. We watched The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn part 2. We had just finished watching part 1. We both love Twilight, and are both Team Jacob.

After the movie finished we went to bed and woke up at 8am.

The next day Trent asked me out on a proper date and took me to the movies and lunch and spoilt me so much. After the movies we went Bowling, then for some Ice Cream, and Last but not least he brought me the most beuatiful dimond necklace i could ever ask for.

"Its beautiful, Trent, I love it." I said to him and kissed him on the lips.
"Just like you." Trent whispered in my ear as i gave him a hug. "Im glad you like it" he continued as he put my necklace on. 

We got back to his place and had the house to ourselves. The others must of gone to the gym. We changed into out togs, which i had just brought. We jumped into the pool and just swam for hours and hours and talked until the boys got back. And they jumped in the pool with us. 

" What did you guys get up to today?" Will aske us. 
"We went out for lunch, and to the movies, bowling and Em had to do a bit of shopping for new clothes." Trent told the boys. "I also brought her a dimond necklace, to show her how much I care for her." Trent Continued as he squeezes me and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

Eventually we all got out of the pool and had dinner - takeaway, from mcdonalds. We all had a good time eating dinner on the floor of the lounge room while watching my favourite Tv Show The Vampire Diaries and Zach loves them too. 

One by one we all fell asleep first to go was Julian, then Zach, then Jayden, Christina, WIll Trent then finally me. 

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