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Sixteen | Welcome to the losers club, Asshole!

Word Count: 1140

Warnings: Gore, manipulating, not being in control of own body, cussing, friend beating up friend, badly injured character, inappropriate comments.

Song for chapter 16 - "Freak" by Sub Urban.


"BILL!" Everyone yelled out for their friend, who had been caught by IT.

"Let him go!" Beverly pleaded.

"No! I'll take him! I'll take all of you! And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear..." IT threatened. Richie noticed a figure coming up behind IT from his position on the ground.

"...oooooorrrrr you'll just leave us be I'm taking him, only him. And then I'll have my long rest and you will all live to grow old and thrive and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds."

"Leave..." Bill whimpered in IT's grip, "I'm the one who dragged you all into this, I'm s-s-s-s-, I'm s-s-sorry."

"S-s-s-s-sorry, ehehehe," IT mocked Bill.

"Go!" Bill ushered the losers, who still stood there.

"G-guys, we can't!" Beverly told all of them with a shaky voice.

"I told you, Bill," Richie spoke up, "I fucking told you!"

"I don't want to die, it's your fault. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead-house. And now..." Richie picked up a baseball bat.

"...I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." IT dropped Bill in fury.

"WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB, ASSHOLE!" Richie yelled as IT ran towards him. He smacked the clown with the bat.

IT kept trying to attack everyone, showing their fears, but only got hurt more as the losers club were not afraid, they were officially pissed off.

The fight kept going on until a figure stepped out of the shadows and everyone stopped what they were doing, including IT.

"Y-Y/N?" Richie stuttered as he saw the familiar boy slowly walking towards him. He did not show any emotion, something was off again.

As he got closer, they noticed his eyes were white again like when they found him last time in the well house. Richie dropped his bat as his hands were shaking too badly.

"Richie, pick up the fucking bat! It's not him, he's dead!" Eddie yelled at him. Richie knew he was right, but didn't want to believe him.

He ran over towards him and hugged him. Nothing happened this time, he just stood there.

IT furrowed it's clown form eyebrows as he realized everything was going wrong for him. He was fighting for control of his body. IT couldn't let that happen, so it ran over towards Y/N, pushed Richie on the ground to get to Y/N and opened it's face. Y/N saw the dead lights again.

Richie got up and tried pushing the clown away, but it was too heavy. He ran for his bat and ran back to hit him. The clown finally averted his attention back to the losers as it had gained full control of Y/N again.

"Come on, Y/N! You got to snap out of it!" Richie said, putting an arm on his shoulder, but he grabbed it and squeezed it so hard, it broke. Richie yelled out in pain.

That seemed to have an effect on Y/N as he stopped in his tracks. It was for a moment, but he went back to attacking Richie. Richie thought, that he should let him hurt him, because when he yelled out in pain it made him stop, so maybe he could get him to snap out of it completely, if he got hurt badly. It was a dangerous idea, but he had to risk it.

Meanwhile, the rest of the losers were fighting IT. They had control over the situation, seeing as IT got weaker from the attacks. IT turned into Beverly's dad.

"Hey, Bevvie, are you still my little g-" IT got cut off by Beverly stabbing a pole in it's mouth. IT made pained noises as it slowly turned back to it's clown form. IT spat out the pole and fell back down on the ground.

"Oh shit!" Eddie yelled out, but had his worries washed away as IT crawled backwards to the well, being badly injured.

"That's why you didn't kill Beverly," Bill spoke to the creature below him, who was leaning against the well, "because s-s-s-s-she wasn't afraid and we aren't either, not anymore. Now you're the one that's afraid, because you're gonna starve."

IT made weird faces, sadly looking at the losers. IT fell back in the well, it's hands still hanging onto the well.

"He thrusts his fists against the post...and still insists he sees the ghost. He thrusts his fists against the p-p-p-p-post." IT muttered Bill's tongue twister for his stuttering.

Bill was about to hit the clown with the baseball bat, but it fell back down further. IT's head was cracking open and his skin was floating away.

"Fear..." IT muttered as it let go off the well and fell deep down.

Y/N stopped punching Richie and snapped back to his senses. Tears down his eyes as he saw a bloodied and bruised up Richie beneath him. Richie had lost unconsciousness a little while ago.

"Richie...?" Y/N called out and shook him. He checked his pulse. It was still there. Y/N sighed out of relief.

"HEY, GUYS! A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE!" Y/N yelled out to the losers. They turned their heads towards him and noticed Richie laying on the ground, unconscious. They all ran over to them.

"Y/N, you're back!" Beverly exclaimed and hugged him.

"Yes, yes, but Richie is kind of injured right now and CAN die, so if we could please get out of here and help him that would be great!" Y/N told them, trying to hide his raising panic.

"All right, all right. Hey, where's Bill?" Beverly asked. Everyone looked around and saw Bill holding the yellow raincoat.

"AAAah!" Richie yelled out as he woke up.

"RICHIE!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Woah, there, mister! Don't kill poor me again, I pleathe thou!" Richie said in one of his voices as Y/N for once didn't laugh at his joke, because Richie almost died and he made a joke as soon, as he woke up from unconsciousness? Yeah, sounds like him.

"Can you stand up?" Y/N asked him. Richie nodded and stood up, but almost fell again before Y/N caught him.

Y/N helped him walk over to the rest of the losers, who were comforting crying Bill, who was hugging the yellow raincoat to his chest. They joined in on the group hug.

"Well, at least I know what I'm gonna write for my summer experience essay!" Richie joked and everyone laughed, including Bill, who brushed his tears away. He knew it wasn't his brother, but shooting a near perfect replica was just too terrifying.


We're almost finished with the first book (: I'll post the last one a bit later. Also, I'm going to ask a question after the last chapter. Imma need some people to answer it.

Fuck you, bro (Richie Tozier x Male!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ