
776 22 12

Word Count: 1538

Warnings: Scary stuff (Pennywise), torture, but it isn't real, nightmare, cussing, non-consensual dr*gging (The Mike and Bill scene), panic attack.

Song for chapter 4 - "Phonky Town" by PlayaPhonk.




"That's what Pennywise does, right? It fucks with us, so Stanley's probably fine-" Eddie rambled. Then we got stopped by a kid. Richie got stopped, to be exact.

"Hey, Richie!" The kid called out. We all turned around to see a kid, no older than eight.

"How'd you, uh- how'd you know my name?" Richie nervously asked.

"The fun's just beginning, right?" The kid had a creepy smile on his face. Oh hell no!

Richie started flipping out and shaking the demon child, who turned out to actually just quote something from his show. If the kid is as old, as he looks...how did his parents allow him to watch something Richie fucking Tozier is in? Pardon my French, but there's no fucking way his jokes are child-friendly. Then again, I mean, it's 2016, so kids see more stuff than they're supposed to see.

The kid's parents rushed up to him and took him away from the so-seeming madman. I laughed at his disheveled look. We all rushed out of the restaurant. Beverly had already called Mrs. Uris as soon, as we were out the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Uris. My name is Beverly Marsh. I apologize for calling, but I'm an old friend of your husband's-" I averted my attention to Richie and Eddie as they started ranting to Mike about how all of this is bullshit.

I turned my attention back to Beverly to see Ben looking worried. Turns out, Stanley had slit his wrists in his own bath. Beverly had muttered 'bath' before Mrs. Uris had said it herself. I noticed Ben noticing it as well. It will probably lead to a weird exchange later.

Everyone hurried to run away from the place, while Mike and I were trying to convince everyone to stay. Richie tried to make me come with him in the taxi and despite how I appreciated how he didn't want me to get murdered by a clown, I declinef. I didn't have that much to live for and my life was nothing comparing to all the lives that were taken by this creature and WILL continue to be taken if we don't stop it. In the end, we only got Bill to comply.

Mike took us to the library he worked in and told us to wait as he went to retrieve something. Bill and I made barely any conversation. Mike came in with some kind of triangle thing and asked if Bill was thirsty. I immediately sensed something was off, but Bill being his dumbass self - took the drink.

"You stole it from Native Americans?!" Bill asked in disbelief.

"No, I- it's complicated-"

"I feel kind of funky-"

"I need you to see-" They kept having these weird exchanges and Bill's pupils dilated.

"Did you put something in my drink?" Bill asked after a while of story time with Mike Hanlon (youtube title worthy).

"You-you drugged me?"

"Why would you do that-" I tried not to bust a lung at Bill's tone of voice.

After more story time with Mike Hanlon, Bill crashed into the bookcase behind him and I rushed over to him. He seemed completely out of it.

"Why didn't you show me?" I turned to Mike, who was also kneeling by Bill.

"You seemed to believe me more than anyone this evening." Mike said and then asked if Bill was okay. After all that pizzazz was over, Mike drove us to the hotel everyone seemed to be at. We walked in on everyone debating something.

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