•Twenty Four•

797 25 14

Word Count: 1022

Warnings: Cussing, parent issues, edgy thoughts (not pain, but in anger at the parents), gay panic.

Song for chapter 24 - "I Can't Handle Change" by Roar.


My mom's Nokia started ringing on the table, distracting us all from our food, because it was so goddamn loud. She looked at the contact and decided to answer. I sighed, hoping it wasn't one of her friends because it would take her hours to shut up.

"Yes, it's M/N L/N. Oh? Can we discuss the details tomorrow when I get to work? Alright then, it's settled. Have a good day, goodbye!" I listened to the conversation and thankfully it was just a work call.

After I ate I just went to my room again. I couldn't sleep, because my mom would kill me, but I had nothing else to do, it was just a plain ol' boring Sunday. I shouldn't be this bored, considering what happened, but I was oddly calm about it. I could follow Alyssa's advice and maybe call Richie, but I wouldn't be able to get to a phone alone, because only my parents have phones and they would definitely listen in on my conversation with him. On the topic of my parents, they would probably send me to a church if they heard about what happened. I get anxious just thinking about it.

Maybe I could go into town or something? Although, I might accidentally meet someone there, because there's no way somebody didn't have the same idea on a weekend. I could just sit on the porch or something. Perhaps read a book? Yeah, I'll just borrow a book from my mom and go sit on the porch to read it. There hasn't been much homework lately, but it was not like I was going to do much of it if there was. The teachers don't even check the homework most of the time, so what's even the point of assigning homework in the first place, if we don't know if we did it right.

I went to my parents room and picked the first book that looked interesting. I went outside to sit on the porch. It was a pretty sunny day, but I suspected it might rain soon. Huh, I could soak myself in the rain when it does. I'll just read the book for now.


What the fuck, it turned out to be a romance book and I kept thinking about how some of the situations aligned with mine and Richie's. I couldn't really be in denial about it at this point, but sometimes I really wished I could throw myself off of the roof of my own house out of embarrassment.

I had put the book aside a long time ago, because it was raining and I was currently letting it shower me. I laid down on the ground and let thoughts run through me. This felt slightly like meditation. My parents were too busy right now, so they shouldn't be able to notice that I'm trying to let the ground consume me.

I wonder what Richie's thinking about now, maybe he regretted it? I wish I could tell him I didn't. Wait no, what the fuck that sounds so weird.

"Y/N L/N! What are you doing??! Get back inside right this instant! You're going to get sick!"

Of course, things never go the way I want.


"You WHAT?" My voice cracked.

"I got a job offer out of state, we're planning on moving out of here soon. It'll be for the best, Y/N, this school has bad education, so this will be your chance to get into a good university." My mom explained. She had gotten home from work today, talked to dad and told me she had to say something important to me. I couldn't fucking believe this.

"There's no way I'm going away from this place. We have lived here since I was born and now when you get a job offer, you're willing to throw it all away?!" I yelled at her.

"Do not raise your voice with me, young man. We will move whether you like it or not and that's final. I don't care what you have to say about this, because it's my job! Now go wash the dishes or no dinner!" She commanded me. I huffed and stormed past her into the kitchen.

Parents are supposed to be smarter, more experienced, but is this what you call that? It's like they just care enough to not let me get physically hurt, but beyond that - there's nothing. Why do they think that anything kids says is invalid, because we're young and "know no better"? I grabbed the goddamn plates and began scrubbing them. Honestly, fuck them. The fact that kids are smarter and more accepting says a lot about society (this says a lot about society). Once I'm eighteen, I'll just move away to some place that's chosen out of my own free will and never reach out to my parents.

Yes, it's extreme to think that and I'm probably not going to do that, I'm just really mad right now. I'll be fine in like a day and go back to fucking slaving for my parents. Alright, I need to calm down, it's really not that big of a deal, except the fact that I'm literally leaving all of my life behind like some kind fucking coward.

I almost broke the plate by it falling out of my hands in the sink and I saw my mom pass me with an angry look, but she didn't say anything. Jesus, dramatic much? Well, I mean I was being dramatic right now, but I had a right to, what the fuck?!

After I washed the dishes, I retreated back to my room again and punched my pillow. Wow, such a badass, I know. I just groaned and stared out the window.

"Where is one of my books, Y/N?!" I heard my mom shout.

"Ask Jesus." I muttered.

"What was that???" Didn't sound like she heard it, thank god.

"I left it outside, did you not notice it? It's on the porch." I shouted back. After that, I went back to sulking next to the window.

I'm a fucking hot mess.


We're really close to the end of book two, so I'm trying to publish the chapters as fast, as I can. Hope you've enjoyed thus far.

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