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Word Count: 392

Warnings: Cussing, exam stress.

Song for chapter 30 - "Home" by Toby Fox.


"Yo, N/N! Come hang with us, we're heading to Rick's place after school." Jordan sits on my desk. I can't believe I made friends with people who had the most douchiest names (sorry Jordans). Actually, except Rick, he's cool.

"I gotta study for the exams and you should too. I mean, it won't increase your chances of passing, because it's already in the negatives, but y'know, it's worth to try-"

"Shut up, douchewad. Are you coming or not?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Not. Can't, sorry. My parents will have my ass if I don't pass these exams with flying colors." I refused. He pat my shoulder in pity and went with the others.

I quietly (because I was in the library) smacked my head on the table. God, these dumbass never-ending formulas made me want to just burn these papers. I couldn't not study, though. School was going to end soon, so I had to pass my exams, otherwise I'll end up working as a dishwasher. At least, that's what my parents told me. My motivation for passing is not getting my ass kicked by my parents, though. That's way scarier than getting a low wage job.

At first, I hadn't planned out what I would want to work as, but then my parents got mad, so I eventually decided on engineer. I may or may not like it, but hey! Anything for money, amirite?

I studied until I wanted to vomit and I used that as an excuse to finally go home. I called my dad and waited for him to arrive while kicking rocks around, and sitting down on the grass once I got tired of it. When my dad arrived I got in the car and we drove off.

"How was school?" My mom asked me as soon as I entered my house.

"It was fine." I shortly replied. Why does my mom always ask me this? I answer with the same thing every single time.

"I hope you're studying for your exams?" She asked yet again.

"Yeah, mom." I put my outside clothes on the rack and went to my room as fast as I could, so I could avoid more annoying questions.

I dropped my bag and looked for the TV remote. I put whatever was on and passed out on the bed.


I think this is the shortest chapter I have ever written. I couldn't put much into this chapter without spoiling the third book, so yeah, sorry. Anyway, I'm gonna be finishing the second book's playlist and then I'm gonna start on the third book. It might take a while. Bye for now 🏃

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