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Seven | Escape

Word Count: 1116

Song for chapter 7 - "Paper Planes" by M.I.A.


Back to Y/N's POV

I walked around the basement trying to find an exit. I can't live like this anymore. I've tried to get my parents to act like real parents, but it never works, because of their weird fucking fantasies of torturing. This seems so unreal as if it was a story, but shit like this always happens somewhere in a corner. You just don't know of it, because you really don't care. That's what I'm concerned about. Most of the people in America did not care whatsoever. For all we know, Jeremy, my kind neighbour, could be the guilty one in all the missing and murdered children cases.

I had no idea why something inside of me was forcing to find an exit, when clearly I've been in here enough times to know that there were none, except the door which my mom closed while exiting the basement-

"Hey, we're going to the store and we'll take a while, but I'll be nice and give you a chance to redeem yourself by apologizing when we get back and I just might let you out," Mom suddenly said from the only exit that I was staring at thoughtfully. There it was.

"Yeah, sure," I replied not really thinking straight (yeah cos you're gay) as I had thought of a master plan. I heard my mom going up the stairs. Wait, how come I didn't hear her come out?

I rubbed away the goosebumps on my arms and grabbed the bobby pin, that I always have on me for no absolute reason. I've seen this in comics, it should be easy enough. I put the bobby pin inside the door lock and tried to unlock the door. I heard breathing right beside me and I froze for a second, only to realize that my nose was splitting the noise of my breathing to the side. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity.

I continued trying to unlock the door, but it wouldn't budge. I inhaled and tried to think how the lock was set up. After around five more minutes of trying, my patience was awarded. Click. A satisfying noise. The door was finally unlocked. I quietly stepped up the stairs and to my relief, my parents were already at the store. I tried opening up the front door, but realizing my mom never leaves it unlocked. I sighed and went in to my room to grab the necessary things.

I opened the closet to check my bag and it was stained through and through with water. I grabbed the bag and the swimming clothes that I had left earlier and headed to the kitchen to grab myself some food, just in case I didn't find a place to crash at. There wasn't much to choose from, since that's why my parents went to the store for a refill, but I grabbed some leftovers. I wrapped up the food in foil and put it in a box and then placed it inside my bag.

I opened my room's window and climbed out of it for the second time again. When I got out, I closed the window as much, as I could from the outside. This time, I took my bike. I'm probably not going to come back home, if you could even call this home.

I'm pretty sure Bill would be annoyed, if I showed up at his place again, but honestly I could care less about his temper right now. I sped over with my bike to his house. It was a 5 minute ride.

I put my bike on the stand and went over to knock on Bill's door. However, it was Bill's mom, who opened the door.

"We don't want any scout c- Oh, hello, Y/N. What are you doing here? It's pretty late," Bill's mom asked.

"I and Bill decided on a sleepover at your house, but that's if you don't mind- I don't think Bill told you about it," I lied fluently.

"Oh, I don't mind, I'll call Bill," she replied, "BILL!"

"W-w-what, mom?" Bill yelled in question as he ran down the stairs.

"Y/N'S HERE!" She yelled back.


"All right, let's go to your room!" I exclaimed and grabbed his hand to shut him up as I ran upstairs with him. We got upstairs and I locked the door.

"Look, I'm tired of my parents and they went too far today, so do you mind if I stay? I'll stay in your closet and come out at 3AM to spook you, if you say no," I quietly explained.

"Fine, b-b-but y-you can't s-stay here for too long, y-you'll have to g-g-go to a di-different loser's house, if you don't want to m-m-make my parents s-suspicious," He replied.

"Damn it, you escaped from old Willy this time! I'll get you next time, ya darn grasshopper!" I responded in my Will the demon voice.

"I th-thought v-voices were R-r-richie's thing," Bill raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, yeah! That fucker just couldn't keep silent during the bike ride from the quarry to home, so I walked home by myself," I ranted.

"By yourself? Y/N, you s-shouldn't-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Curfew, whatever blah blah blah. Can you get me a place to sleep that isn't your bed? Also, how did you get drunk me into the house last time without your parents noticing me?" I asked.

"They w-weren't home, th-they w-were out to see a th-theather play," Bill explained.

"Oh. Well, chöp chöp! We don't have all day to be lazing about. Bill, I'll start counting down from tio (ten) and if I don't get a bed, you'll die!" I tried in my best Swedish accent.

"I s-swear, if y-yu-you don't stop that r-right now-"

"Alright, alright," I sighed.

"Y-yu-you w-w-will have to sleep w-w-with me o-or on the floor," Bill said after a while of thinking where to sleep.

"With you. Your floor is too dirty," I responded. Bill nodded, probably realizing I was too tired to understand his stuttering.


I yawned, climbing into bed next to Bill. So it ended up being a sleepover after all. I grabbed the whole blanket and put it on myself, chuckling at Bill's attempts to get it back. He groaned and gave up the fight after five minutes of me gripping it tight, so he couldn't get it.

I fell asleep somewhat peacefully in a long time.

s̵we͡e͡t d͠r̵ea̧m̕s


This is actually so cringe I'm crying. I just hope at least someone will enjoy this.

Again, don't be shy to correct me if I got pronouns wrong or anything else.

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