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Eight | Trapped in a nightmare

Word Count: 1082

Warnings: This chapter is just weird and cringy in general, because I made it in a rush. Scary stuff, demonic stuff, Richie being Richie, mention of a nightmare, swearing.

Song for chapter 8 - "Trapped in a nightmare" by Neffex.


I jumped up to a sitting position. I looked around to make sure Bill and me being safe was real. I pinched my hand. I felt it, so this was most likely real. I looked back at Bill's sleeping form, but something was off about him.

I considered my choices of waking him up or calming myself down. Bill was a caring person, but he's not one to like clingy people. After some thinking, I heard someone flushing the toilet next door in the bathroom. Suddenly realization dawned on me and I got up off the bed and sprinted to the home's front door.

It wasn't Bill.

I tried opening the door, but to my luck, the door was locked and I had no idea where the keys were. My breaths became rapid as I heard slow, but loud and creepy footsteps climb down the stairs. It was close, yet I couldn't move. I was too frozen in fear, my body refused to move.

The light switch at the bottom of the stairs was turned on.

"Honey, what are you doing up this late?" Bill's mom asked and I sighed at my stupidity again.

"There was someone in the bathroom and Bill was asleep, I-"

"It was me, honey," She lied. They had a second bathroom that was closer to their bedroom. How did I even get myself into this horror movie scenario?

"Alright, I'll go back to sleep then, sorry for disturbing you." I responded, trying to think of ways to get out of the house.

"I can make you some tea to fall asleep, if you'd like?" She offered.

"No, I can fall asleep. Only the toilet flushing woke me up. Thank you for the offer, though," I refused.

"I insist." She gave me a weird smile. It probably knew and was messing with me. I've read and watched so many horror scenarios, that I knew blowing my cover would either way be a bad idea.

"Uh, sure then, I'll just sit on the couch until it's done," I smiled back, hoping I looked convincing enough.

"Of course, honey!" She gave a little out of place chuckle. When she went away I quickly and quietly walked over to the window and slid it open.

"W͏h҉̡e̵͡re ̶̵aŕ͜e̵̢ ͢͟ỳ͞o̴͟u ̨͢g̢o̶͝ì͞n͘͢g,̢̧ ͝s̵̸w͟͜e̕e͝͡t̸͝ie? Y͡ou̢ h̨͡av̶͡en̷'̢͡t̶͞ eve͟҉ņ̵ ̀d̨r͡an͞k҉ ̡͢yơu̶̕r ̧t͡e̛a̧҉ ҉ye̕͠t͏!"̶҉ She yelled and I jumped out of the window.

I grabbed my bike and drove the second closest house I could think of. He is as sceptical as me, since he also watches and reads a lot of horror stuff. It would be hard to trick the both of us. It was also a five minute drive, but since it was the opposite direction from my house, it would be around ten minutes from my house.

Thankfully, she was nowhere to be seen yet.

I threw my bike down, when I got there and grabbed a handful of rocks and started to throw them at Richie's bedroom window. After about a minute of throwing, he opened the window and I accidentally threw the last rock at him.

"What the fuck?! Who's there?!" He hissed out in to the dark.

"It's Y/N. Please let me in. I'll explain later, it's urgent!" I begged him.

"Jesus fuck, fine!" He went back further into his room and turned on the lights and came back to the window. Wow, did he actually go to sleep early for once? Apparently, his eyes weren't adjusted to the dark yet, so that meant he was sleeping before I interrupted him.

He helped me get inside and then looked at me, waiting for an explanation on why the fuck was I at his house at...3AM, the clock read.

"Close the window for fuck's sake!" I whisper yelled at him and he obeyed on this one.

"Don't laugh at me, but I noticed a horror scenario playing out it's first stages at Bill's house and I ran to the first place I could think of." I explained.

"Bill's house? What were you doing at Bill's house. I thought that you weren't allowed to visit anyone-" Richie ranted, but I cut him off.

"That's not important right now. I literally almost got caught in a demonic creature's hands!" I glared at him.

"Ok, ok, whatever, I'll be your hero for the night. Go to sleep. Don't worry, I'll protect you," He teased me. I glared at him and he pointed over exaggerated hand gestures to his bed.

"I'm not shar-"

"As you said, you almost got caught by a demonic creature, so it's a much better idea to be together than apart in this situation." He replied and I opened my mouth to argue, but shut it again.

"Fine." I sighed and walked over to the bed. I landed on the bed on my stomach and made a loud 'oomph' noise. Richie chuckled at the noise.

"Hey, would you mind giving me at least a centimeter of the bed?" He asked, pushing me to the side.

"Ooga booga," I muttered into the blanket. He sighed and grabbed the blanket from me and turned the light off. I whimpered.

"Hey, give me the blanket too! Also, how about your parents? Where are they?" I asked him. He gave me my part of the blanket.

"Uh, I kind of pissed them off and said I could handle myself on my own and they just kinda left. They're probably going to be back in like one day, because they're convinced I'm going to get myself killed somehow." He explained.

"Sounds believable," I responded and turned around from facing him and stole the whole blanket from him.

He got closer to me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"HE-" My face heated up as I started to exclaim.

He reached over my waist and stole the blanket back. I sighed and cuddled myself, trying to warm myself.

"Hey, what happened with the random argument we had earlier? Are we fine now?" I asked him after a minute of silence. He cautiously gave me back my part of the blanket again.

"I didn't feel like myself when I said those things..." He replied.

"Me neither."

A few minutes of silence passed.

"There's something going on in this town," I yawned. In reply I only got light snores. Damn, he falls asleep fast.

I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. There's truly something wrong with this town.


I hate how over dramatic I make these stories, but I hope you enjoyed it as always. If there's anyone reading anymore lmao.

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