
598 21 9

Word Count: 1222

Warnings: Cussing, inappropriate jokes, mention of abusive ex-husband, wife resembling mother, kinda innuendo of s*ic*de (Stanley), emotional confrontation, non-consensual physical affection.

Song for chapter 10 - WIP


We had decided on staying in Derry for a little while, because we haven't seen each other for years and the only interaction that we mostly shared was due to a demonic clown chasing us around everywhere. Also, everyone had to plan out where they would go. Beverly opened up about her abusive ex-husband and how she might go live with her friend. Eddie was still really attached to his mo- wife, so he was going to return back to their home. Bill was also going to return to his wife. And me, well, I was gonna go back home.

We all decided on visiting Stanley's wife before we left. She was going through a tough time and needed someone there for her. Beverly and Ben seemed to get along with her the best. The rest of us were kinda just...there, but she was grateful that we all showed up, even though she had no fucking clue who we were, just that we were Stanley's old school friends.

I thought back to when Pennywise had gotten inside of my mind. It must have been to just scare me, there was no way Alyssa was actually dead...was there? If I knew where she lived, I could check up on her. There were many options on how to track her, but I wasn't an exact pro with technology, so it would take a while. She did give me her phone number, so I could find her location, so I did exactly that. I found a website that allowed me to track her and I wrote down the address. I called a few others with me that weren't busy, just in case I were to get jumped, and then we were on our way to find Alyssa.

We arrived at the house the address pointed to by car. I knocked on the door, but when nobody answered I went to check the nearest window and there it was...nothing. I assumed she was in some other room or was somewhere else, probably busy or at work. The others got pissed at me for getting here for nothing, so we drove back and I decided on visiting later again.


I was on a walk to process everything that has happened in only a few days. I mean, I literally died and came back, we somehow killed a killer clown by...roasting it? Yeah, it was a lot to process, I definitely needed this walk. Before it was interrupted, anyway. My phone was ringing. It was an unknown caller. I did give Alyssa my number, so maybe it was her.

"Hi, is this Y/N?" Yeah, it was Alyssa.

"Yeah, hi! I went by your house earlier, you weren't there. I don't have your phone number, so thanks for calling me." I rushed to speak without realizing I slipped up.

"Wait, what? How did you get my address??"

"What do you mean? You told me when we were talking." Smooth, Y/N, smooth.

"Well...alright. Anyway, I just called to check in, if you had time to talk?"

"Yeah, I don't have anything better to do at the moment." I said while accidentally stumbling into a dog's owner. I mumbled a quick sorry.

"What?" Alyssa asked over the phone.

"Nothing, I just stepped in dog piss,"

"Were you apologizing to the piss???"

"What?! No! I just- nevermind. What did you want to talk about?" I switched the subject.

"Dicks- just kidding I'm still a lesbian...and do you still get platonic boners from Richie?" She teased.

"WHAT THE FUCK, how do you even remember that? That was so long ago, we were kids! Oh, and also how'd your humor come out of nowhere? As far, as I know you're about as funny, as a rock.

"What kind of comparison is that???"

"I dunno, man, anyway, do you want to meet up or something? I'm on a walk right now maybe we can catch up at the park." I offered.

"There are many parks here, you'd have to be more specific." I told her the park's name after her nagging me.

"Alright, I'll be there in about 10-15 minutes." She hung the phone up.

When Alyssa got here we talked about our lives, but I decided on skipping the killer clown part and the reunion. I might tell her later about the Losers being in town (though, later was going to be when I was going to fly back home), but I couldn't deal with her pestering me about still liking Richie.

After it was done, I bid my goodbyes to Alyssa and went back to the hotel. Eddie seemed to be the only one downstairs, so I chatted with him for a while. He was still going on about how he was thankful I saved his life. I kept insisting that it was nothing, since I came out unscathed somehow. He said he owed me one and I asked him for just a drink tomorrow, so he doesn't go batshit crazy with this guilt stuff. After we were done talking, I went upstairs.

"Hey, Y/N! You going to sleep?" I heard Richie ask from behind me. I turned around to see him awkwardly leaning against the doorframe. He obviously had something to say.

"No, I'm testing out my free death trial." I deadpanned as I made the sheets.

"Hilarious. Never fucking joke about that again, man, you actually almost died! Well, you did, I think???? But somehow came back. Does that mean you're a zombie-"

"Alright, stop going off track. What did you want to tell me?" I faced him.

"So...do not ever do that again!"

"If it weren't for me, Eddie would have been dead. Who knows if he would have been able to come back from the dead." I crossed my arms.

"Yes, but who would have known you'd come back from the dead?! It was the same risk!" His voice raised slightly in volume.

"Dude, just be happy both of us are alive and move on." I tried to turn my back on him, but he spun me back around and clutched my face with his hands.

"HEY! Hey, don't 'dude' me! Listen to me, Y/N. I need you to tell me you won't ever try to risk your life again...I can't lose you." He looked away while saying the last part. I quickly backed away from him, making him drop his hands from my face.

"What are you talking about? Peniswrinkle is gone, the best you could lose me to is a microwave exploding now."

"Look, just-" he cut himself off and grabbed my face again. I tried to get away, but he brought our faces together into an extremely awkward kiss.

"If that was your attempt at trying to make me understand, first of all, never do that again. Second of all, what the fuck that did not help me understand! It did the complete fucking opposite." I yelled at him, tempted to smack him.


"Just get out, please. You literally kissed me without consent, I have the right to not listen to you right now." I pointed at the door to make him leave, which he eventually did.

Man, this was a fucked up trip. I can't wait to go home.


Me: Man, I could finish this book today!
Me 3 weeks later:

Fuck you, bro (Richie Tozier x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now