•Twenty Three•

820 26 21

Word Count: 1009

Warnings: Awkwardness, hetero married couple strikes again, cussing, inappropriate jokes.

Song for chapter 23 - "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees.


I avoided eye contact with Richie for the rest of the movie when I went out of the washroom. We played some games without saying anything and then wordlessly decided on going to sleep after checking the time.

Alyssa got to sleep in her own bed while she got separate spare blankets on the floor for us. This was a random thought, but it kind of felt like some kind of princess-guard scenario. I still somehow managed to not make eye contact with Richie for the rest of the night 'til we fell asleep.

...Well, they seemed to fall asleep at least. I was awake for a bit, still thoughts racing over what happened.

Why had he kissed me? And most importantly, WHY DID I LIKE IT?????? Help help help help help

Someone moved in bed and I got a mini heart attack before realizing Alyssa just shifted in her sleep. I sighed and rolled over to my other side, from where I couldn't see Richie and tried to fall asleep again.

After many failed attempts, I finally did it.


"You look like shit, did you sleep at all?" Alyssa asked me once Richie excused himself from breakfast and sprinted into the bathroom.

"Well, if you count about an hour, that is." My gaze wandered to the clock above the kitchen counter.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Alyssa asked.

"Of course not, what sane person in a dramatic movie says yes? Anyway, how the hell did you manage to burn the popcorn anyway? I mean, you were there the whole time." I asked her.

"Wait, you didn't get it? I thought I was being too obvious. I pretended that I burned the popcorn, so that you guys could have some alone time, since you were so in denial about it. None of you actually came to check in, so you think I really burned the popcorn. The second time I just put a glass of milk in the microwave, which I drank before going back to you." Alyssa stated her genius plan of trying to get Richie and I hooked up.

"Good grief, fuck you." I rubbed my face with my hands in frustration.

"Hey, I was just trying to help! By the way, I think Richie caught onto my plan. That's why I suspect he made the move." Alyssa added.

Wait, wasn't it too long of a potty break? What the fuck was he doing in there? By now he must have gotten enough shit to cover a whole country.

"Hey, I'm gonna head out now. Thanks for letting me stay over while my parents were gone. Bye!" Richie ran out the door before either of us could say anything. Of course he overheard the conversation.

"Great, now he's not going to talk to me."

"Ooh, so you want him to talk to you after all?" Alyssa teased.

"You're not making any sense. Of course I wouldn't want him to ignore me, we've been best friends for years." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Alright, alright, but you've gotta fix this. Obviously you both feel the same way, so no chick-flick moments. I don't want to see you awkwardly stumbling around each other every time I see you both." She chuckled.

"Eeeeehhh I'll think about it. I think I'll go home in a short while too. That's enough embarrassment for the whole year."


Richie's POV (3rd person)

"God, I'm so stupid!" Richie muttered to himself while driving home. Thank god his parents weren't at home right now...well, it's not like they would ask him about the sleepover, but he didn't want to see their faces right now. It's quite ironic, seeing how he sees their faces rarely anyway.

'Why did I kiss him? Of course he didn't see me as anything more than a friend, I couldn't have possibly awaited a scenario like that. What's worse is it was so bad that Y/N had to run away to the bathroom. Even possibly to throw up. God, I hope not.' Richie thought to himself. Of course, little did he know that Y/N had just run to the bathroom because it was unexpected, not because they were friends or it was bad.

He wanted to avoid the possible ending that could happen by acting like nothing happened, but he knew he'd just end up giving the cold shoulder to not only Y/N, but anyone who asked him about his emotional state. He didn't want to acknowledge this, but he would have to eventually grow balls and finally properly talk to Y/N about it.

"This is a nightmare!" He yet again dramatically muttered after arriving at home, hastily placing his bike in the garage and returning to his room at last, to not resurface at least for a couple of days.

'Yeah, that's a good idea, I'll just pretend to be a vampire and stay in my room the whole time, avoiding sunlight as if it was a plague. My parents will not see a difference, so I can be emo all I want.' A quiet laugh, so desperately trying to be a real one, escaped his mouth.


Y/N's POV (1st person)

"So how was the sleepover? Anything fun happen?" My dad gave me a teasing look.

"DAD, we're just friends! A guy and a girl can be friends."

"That's what they all say. Look where it got me - married to the person I said it about." Dad winked at mom, who was in the kitchen drinking tea.

"Gross, I am leaving." I scowled and retreated to my room.

I flopped on the bed for a bit to think about everything that happened, but accidentally woke up in the afternoon after I had passed out due to exhaustion from not enough sleep. The reason for my awakening was my mom yelling at me, telling me to get out of bed and that I was lazy. Fun times. I went to go eat lunch in the kitchen with my parents.


Fun times indeed, my friends. I apologize for uploading a bit later than a week (I plan on at least posting once a week), but hey it hasn't been a month yet, so woo yeah, right? (Watch me jinx it) Anyway, hope you've had a great week and I'll see y'all in the next chapter (lol I sound like a youtuber).

Fuck you, bro (Richie Tozier x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now