
969 29 26

Word Count: 1406

Warnings: Being taken advantage of (sexual harassment), cussing, name calling, manipulating, lying, yelling.

Song for chapter 12 - "My First Kiss" by 3Oh!3 ft. Ke$ha.


I felt more numb than ever as I sat in the cafeteria, observing Greta and her minions. I looked over at William's table as well, he was sitting with the rest of the jocks. It's great to distance yourself from emotions to seek the logical solutions or manipulate someone, but it can take over you by making itself addictive. Having no emotions meant not caring about what other people said and the consequences of your actions. It also meant not having even at least a single drop of empathy. I envied people who were unable to feel anything, because for them everything hurt way less than it's supposed to.

Once upon a time, William had been my "friend" and Greta had been an acquitance, the girlfriend of my friend, but they showed me and my real friends no mercy whatsoever as soon, as it came to their reputation, so I wasn't planning on showing it to them either. They hid her insecurities by taking power from others; therefore, they were utterly stupid and it was going to be easy to break them down. That's how most bullies are like. I did "backstab" my friends at one point, because I didn't want to fall from the social ladder, but my other "friends" had taken it too far. I'm about to return the favour.

William noticed me staring and gave me a glare, but after I didn't react he seemed to get uncomfortable and looked away. I smiled inwardly, because it was time to set the plan to action. I chose a day, when Alyssa had not shown up at school, so she wouldn't see the action take place. She would most likely hate me for it. She didn't seem like the violent type of person.

I stood up from my table in the cafeteria and made my way towards Greta. It would take everything in me not to choose physical violence over what I was going to do. Greta was sitting with her goons and her boyfriend (who went over to her when he noticed I was staring her down). She looked up as I slammed my hands on the desk.

"Alyssa is such a bitch, I can't believe her! I am so sorry for being on her side, I really didn't know she was going to backstab me..." I complained as I sat down at their table.

"Hey, it's all right. People make mistakes." Greta said and put her hand on mine. I inwardly cringed, but kept going.

"Can I still be friends with you guys?" I asked.

"How about no. Greta, he pushed you!" William warned Greta and pushed her hand away from mine. I looked at him with a fake hurt look.

"Oh, come on, babe. He did nothing, Alyssa manipulated him!" Greta tried persuading her boyfriend.

"He's as big of a bitch as Alyssa is." William glared at me.

"Call me a bitch one more goddamn time." I lowered my voice.


"Bitches do what they're told." I smirked at him. He got up, ready to attack me, but Greta held him back by grabbing his hand and pulling him down.

"Sorry, I guess you can't sit with us for now." Greta gave me a pity look and I just stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

Plan B was in action.

I walked slowly to the abandoned corridor aka mine and Richie's hangout place, where the unused stairs were. Greta was too predictive, she saw that I can be more trustworthy and will most likely want to cheat on her boyfriend in return. She did not see her worth immediately, because she was in denial about her boyfriend cheating on her, which is sad, but at least she didn't realize it too late.

Fuck you, bro (Richie Tozier x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now