Can't He Ask For Help? Pt.2

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    "What the hell were you thinking?!" Aizawa shouted, slamming his hands on the table. He was livid, and nothing could calm him down.

    "Logically. I was thinking logically." Nedzu said in a sadistically calm voice. Not even sparing the man a glance as he continued to work on his papers.

    "Logically? You asked a fourteen year old boy to risk his life with little to no training. Fourteen!"

    "I don't see much of a problem here, Aizawa. After all, he had agreed. Didn't he?" There were so many things that were missed up about this situation. It was uncountable, but even so, Aizawa would try his best to tell the person sitting in front of him every single one.

    "Yes, he did agree. But you knew, you knew that he wasn't in the right state of mind to make such a decision. He shouldn't even been allowed to make it in the first place. He's far too young."

    The principal let out a cackle, as if he had anticipated that response. "Maybe I did know that, but you know me. I have such a hard time with human emotions. And what's wrong with a little bit of manipulation?"

     Nezu still didn't look up.

     Aizawa was beyond pissed. Shouta doesn't think he's ever been this angry before. His anger was like an endless inferno; just waiting for someone to get too close.

    And someone did.

"Manipulating him like that... you might as well have ripped his heart out. Do you even know what the League is making him do?" Shouta was fully aware that the principle had a hard time understanding human emotions. But at least he was educated on them. He should know what the cost of this would be.

Nedzu had turned a child in to a soldier. He had sacrificed a teenager's mental health (and from Aizawa's analyzing, Izuku's mental health was already rocky at the beginning of the year) for the sake of what? A little information? They had plenty of heroes that would be great at that.

    "Oh, I'm well aware of what they are making Midoryia do. I just can't see what the big deal is. They are dead after all."

     Aizawa cooled his expression. If anger didn't work, maybe being calm would be more effective. He had a promise to keep, he couldn't fail no matter what. "You do understand that Midoryia will never be the same after this, right? He's going to be scarred for the rest of his life with whatever they had him do to the corpses. You even told him that it would've made sense if he had become a villain. It's true, you don't understand the full extent and power behind human emotions. But what you did- what you're doing is immorally wrong."

    This, had somehow gained the principle's attention and he finally had the decency to look up. Aizawa continued, "If Izuku keeps on doing this, the villains will for sure start making him do more. It won't just be dead people anymore. Surely, with your IQ quirk and all you would have at least thought about that. And if you can't even come to terms with that, than what if this gets out? You're treating a student like a mindless, emotionless puppet. The press would eat this up and you would most likely get fired. U.A could even get shut down. Not to mention Izuku's mother. She doesn't even know about this, which has to be illegal."

     Nedzu eyes looked calculating and sparkled with something Aizawa would rather not know. He just hoped that he had gotten through to him. His kid didn't deserve this. Izuku should be living a normal teenage life. Well, at least as normal as you can get for someone who's training to be a hero. Midoryia already had a lot of weight and expectations on his shoulders. He didn't need this on top of it too.

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