The Reality In Which We Live In

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Izuku, now in his second year, was doing a simple patrol near U.A. It was supposed be for practice, and now that he had his provisional license, he could fight if necessary. His patrol was only two hours and it was rare that he ever came across anything. Every once in awhile he captured a robber or even did something as simple as helping an old lady walk across the street.

Even though it was simple thing, Deku was beyond happy to finally be able to help people without needing the permission to do so. It made him feel helpful and useful. Nothing like the worthless and useless kid he used to be.

One thing he loved about his patrol was jumping off of all the rooftops. It was exhilarating and was a lot faster than just walking on the sidewalk. Izuku had always loved the rooftops, it had brought a sense of calming to him whenever he had his bad days. He was proud of himself that his bad days were getting farther and farther apart. He was finally beginning to feel truly happy.

Deku came to abrupt stop when he saw someone on a rooftop not to far away. The figure was standing on the edge looking up at the sky. Izuku's eyes widened and hurried to the rooftop the now identified girl was on. She looked to be maybe fourteen years old and was still in her middle school uniform. Deku swallowed the bile that was in his mouth from the familiar uniform she was wearing. It was the exact same design as Aldera's.

"Go take a swan dive off of a roof and pray for a quirk in you next life."

Landing quietly as to not spook the girl Izuku spoke softly, "Trust me, you don't want to do that."

The girl calmly turned around to face him. Her white hair swaying in the breeze. She looked so frail, so broken, that Izuku was afraid that the wind might just push her over. "And how do you know?" Her voice was cheerful, something that oddly didn't surprise Izuku.

"I've been where you are before. I promise, things do get-."

Her eyes hardened at the words, "That things do get better? That's utter bullshit. There's no way things will ever get better. Especially for someone like me."

Deku took a few steps forward, but stopped when she sent him a steely glare. "And why's that?" Midoryia hoped that the desperation in his voice was hidden. She looked so close to just taking that final step.
"I'll tell you, and then maybe you'll leave me be to die."  Her eyes shined with excitement with the thought of death. "I'm quirkless. That simple."

Oh. How was Izuku supposed to figure this one out? He knew every statistic by heart. He knew the cruelty of the world like the back of his hand. He knew that if he hadn't gotten his quirk when he did, Deku wouldn't be here now. He would be six feet under.

"That doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy. Can I ask you, do you have any friends?" Midorya noticed how she kept looking down as if she was giving her all to not jump off. It only made him panic more, but it also brought some hope in him too.

She looked surprised by the question, but to her, the answer was easy. "No. Why?"

"Well you have one now. My name is Midoryia Izuku, but you can call me Deku. May I ask what's your name?"

The girl looked down again, and her eyes seemed to be determined and set on whatever decision she had just made. Deku hoped that it was the one where she would choose to live. Maybe after this, he could even introduce her to his friends and maybe even get Aizawa-sensei's help in shutting down Aldera.

"My name is Izumotto Freya. And maybe in the next life we can be friends."

And she jumps.

Izuku Midoryia One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now