Heroes Bleed Flowers

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Warning: Graphic descriptions of eating disorders

Inspired by the poem "Skinny girls bleed flowers" by Savannah Brown

Midoirya Izuku is okay. He does not have monsters living in his mind. There are no monsters here, or there, or anywhere else for that matter.

Trust him, he's looked. He's laid in his bed during the dead of night with nothing but darkness surrounding him, and searched his mind for anything out of place, crooked, wrong.

At least, not with his actions or thoughts. He knew that there was plenty wrong with him. He's known since he was four years old. He was quirkless. Used to be quirkless. Now he's in his dorm room residing on U.A.'s campus.

He's not strong enough, or fast enough, or smart enough, or useful enough, or in control enough-

There's plenty that's wrong with him. But he's trying to fix it. Trying to fit the puzzle pieces together without having any idea what the big picture was supposed to be.

Right now, he's studying. His teeth are clenched and his hand is cramping terribly. He still holds onto the pencil and writes.

The lysosome can be found in the eukaryotic cell bounded by a single membrane. They lysosome helps digest materials and is key in apoptosis: cell self-destruction.

He feels like he's being encircled by love, but it also feels wrong. Like bugs creeping up his spine. How could something feel so good yet so bad at the same time? An addiction to a drug.

Izuku knows he should go to sleep, but what's the point? Even if he tries, he doubts he'll be able to fall asleep.

Instead, he goes downstairs to the dorm's kitchen and steeps some lavender tea. As he waits for the tea, his eyes travel to the pantry without his permission. His stomach growls and all he can think is good. Hunger is the key.

He does not open the pantry door.

Izuku cradles his tea as he sits on one of the many couches, his All Might blanket that he keeps down stairs wrapped around him. The mug radiates warmth, and it's heaven on his freezing (always freezing), brittle hands.

Loneliness has followed him his entire life, but this. This fills a hole that he didn't know had been there. He laughs, thinking about how funny it was that being empty could make him feel so full. Something he's been missing had finally come to him- in this body he calls home

For he could not control the villains or expectations or anything else for that matter, but he could control his body. It was his, and he wouldn't let it rule him forever. Not anymore.

How could monsters, known for being hideous, grotesque things, create such beautiful people? Such wonderful heroes?

He takes a sip of his tea, relishing in the warmth that slides down his throats and pools into his empty stomach. He thinks of the heroes in his notebooks. He thinks of the ones he sees everyday. His friends, his teachers, his mentor.

They look like everything. Strong and capable and beautiful. They look alive.

His mug is empty, tongue burning. He doesn't want to go back to his room, so he stays. Letting his fuzzy, tired mind wander without any true destination. He thinks he dozed off because hours have passed and the sun is rising, but isn't quite sure.

Izuku knows he should probably get up now. Before people start congregating and the food makes an appearance. The thought of eating right now seems impossible. He wants to avoid it at all costs. Even if that means withdrawing from his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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