What He (Didn't) Deserve

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    Is he just expected to move on?

    It's only been two weeks since Sir Nighteye had died (two weeks since he failed), and everyone one has seemed to have  already moved on. But he's still stuck in the never ending stream of nightmares. His mind won't give him a break; always telling him what he should've done, how maybe if Izuku had just tried harder, Nighteye might still be alive. Why hadn't Izuku died? He should've died. Izuku didn't get it, Nighteye was far more important than Izuku will ever be.

For a short time, Izuku thought that he might finally prove that he was useful, that he wasn't worthless. But he was useless and worthless and he believe it with all his heart.

Everyone smiled and laughed and it all seemed so genuine. He felt sick to his stomach knowing that he was lying to his friends, to everyone. All of his smiles and laughs were fake. It was something he fell back into so easily even when he hadn't needed to do it in months.

He considered talking to his friends about how messed up he was. He knew it would help, but his classmates already have a lot on there plate, burdens and worries they shouldn't even have yet. And Izuku would be damned if he added an extra burden to them (wasn't he always a burden though? Would it be better if he just distanced himself from them?).

He even considered talking to Aizawa about how he felt (was he even feeling anything?), but he was already a problem and Izuku didn't want to add more reason to it.

Izuku was trapped inside his own mind and he couldn't get out because how can you run from your mind? Izuku thought he was getting better, that he could get better, but was all that just the calm before the storm? Was this the final wave to the hell of his life?

Midoryia Izuku was too much of a coward to say goodbye. He gave Mirio the quirk; after all, he was the one that deserved it, not him.

He had lasted for as long as he could. He had held onto hope much longer than even he had expected. Izuku thought he was doing the world a favor (but he wasn't, for the tears shed that day were uncountable). That maybe if he was gone, the world would be eased with one less burden (Everyone's shoulders that day weighed so heavily that they thought they would be crushed). Izuku thought that he deserved this, that he could never be happy. Maybe even his death could make some people happy (no one was the same after that. For everyone, their life was filled with less light than before.)

No one had seen it coming. No one noticed how his eyes were emptied of life and how his smiles were fake. No one noticed when he had put distance between him and everybody. Izuku Midoryia wanted everyone to believe he was fine, and they did.

Midoryia Izuku was dead and no one could change that.

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