The Fear Of Death

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The power had become too much.

It was too painful.

He didn't want to die.

Not like this.

So he decided to pass it on. He knew that he was evil in doing so. Sealing one's death when they could've stopped it, but the voices inside his head were screaming, and some hopeful part of him hoped that this boy could handle it.

Yagi just wanted to make himself feel better. He didn't want to think that this boy will die a horrible, pain-ridden death. Or he might even go crazy when the voices become too much.

Giving his quirk to the boy was the most weightlifting yet heavy thing he has ever had to do, but you had to understand his point of view. No one wanted that kind of future. That kind of death.

He did what anyone else would do

and gave it to someone else.

Toshinori wasn't planning on getting attached to the kid, but he did. Izuku soon became like the son he never had.

He hated it because it only made the guilt rattle his bones even more.

He watched Young Midoryia break bone after bone just to gain control over a quirk that would soon devour him whole. He wondered if Izuku even cared about himself. Pondered if the teen even feared death.

Yagi hoped he didn't. It might make accepting his fate easier to digest.

He knew that Midoryia wouldn't pass on the quirk. He wasn't a coward like Todhinori was. His boy would put his life in danger just to see others smile.

"How dare you." The voice of Nana haunted him during the night when he had no dreams. Just the voices.

He thought the voices would've stopped.

He was wrong.

Sometimes he had nightmares of the quirk finally destroying Young Midoryia. Flashes of coughed up blood and seizures haunted him everyday.

But Midoryia held on without knowing. He continued to save and learn as his quirk became progressively more powerful and complex. He continued to strengthen in ways Yagi never thought was possible.

The former hero began to believe that Izuku might have the capability of withstanding One For All. Something that Toshinori didn't have.

He had started to calm down after that belief. The guilt less weighing as time passed on.

It all got crushed when he received a phone call at two in the morning.

It was from his boy. He was almost in his second year and Tohsinori couldn't have been prouder. Everyday he told Izuku that, afraid that there may be a day where he couldn't.

"Y-Yagi-San. It- it hurts so much."

He knew what Young Midoryia was talking about, but he refused to acknowledge it.

"What does, my boy?"

A choked sob sounded from the other line. The cry was almost iniquitous coming from the boy. It was common occurrence that Izuku cried, but it was nothing akin to the agony that had woven through his voice.

"M-my quirk. It's tearing me apart, All Might." It was the first time Young Midoryia had called One For All his quirk. The fact  made the cracks in Yagi's heart deepen further. He had failed his boy, hadn't he.

Just a few days ago, the teen had shown no signs of this ever happening. He hadn't even seen a hint of exhaustion or discomfort during his one-on-one training with him.

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