Come Back To Haunt Me

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Today, Izuku woke up on the good side of the bed. Nothing in particular had happened that made him feel this giddy inside, but whether something happened or not, Izuku was happy. Yes, he might have been a little sleep deprived, but it was nothing the two cups of coffee (no cream, no sugar. Just the way Izuku liked it) couldn't fix. His morning run was finished with a beautiful sunrise and then he got to eat breakfast with his class.

It was the beginning of home room and everyone could tell that their class cinnamon roll was in an especially bright mood. His smile alone made everyone in his class feel warm and happy inside. Even Bakugou and Aizawa weren't as moody as usual.

"Okay class, today we are going to talk about-." But he was cut off with a phone ringing in his class. His eyes quickly locked onto Izuku who was looking at his phone with a troubled expression.

The phone number looked so familiar to Midoryia. He didn't have it in his contacts, but he felt like he's seen this number before. The number made him feel anxious and he didn't know why. He hated feeling like this, especially since he couldn't pinpoint the reason.

He looked up to see his teacher staring at him. Izuku gave a small smile, "I'm sorry, Sensei, but I think this may be important. Can I answer it?"

His teacher heavily sighed before relenting, "Just make it quick."

Izuku quickly answered, not even bothering to leave the classroom (something he probably should've done he later realized.)

"Is this Izuku Midoryia?" The voice made all the color drain from his face and send shivers down his spine. He didn't want to answer this man. He never wanted to ever hear his voice again. But his classmates were staring at him and he didn't want them know, they couldn't know. They probably wouldn't believe him anyway, no one ever did when he told people about this man.

So he slowed his breath, and clenched the phone tighter to keep his hands from shaking. "What do you want?" His voice came out weaker than he wanted it to be, and it made him sick. It was like before U.A. When he was a quirkless, weak, abused kid who didn't know anything but loneliness and hate (his mother was the only salvage from that, but he was selfish. It wasn't enough.)

"Not even a hello? Or how are you doing? I thought I raised you better than that, son." He hated how he called him son. He had no right to call him that. Izuku hated him.

"Don't say you raised me, Hisashi. Now I'll ask one more time, what do you want?" He realized he was probably scaring his classmates with how cold and emotionless his voice sounded, but at the moment he didn't care. He'd rather sound cold and scary than terrified and weak. Especially to his so called father.

"Midoryia... turn your phone to speaker." Deku snapped his gaze from the table to Aizawa and glared at him. Shouta didn't seem fazed (even though on the inside, he was shocked), and just continues to stare at Izuku without breaking contact.

Knowing he probably wasn't going to get out of this one, Midoryia stood up and left the classroom with Aizawa in toe. Izuku hesitated before putting the speaker on.

"I heard you got a quirk." At that moment, Izuku was flushed with anger. After all these years, after having to deal with all the trauma and scars alone. Hisashi calls because he got a quirk.

He slightly calmed down when his teacher put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He forced himself to relax a bit and hold off the panic attack he sure was going to have after this.

"Was it because of me? I did put a lot of time and effort into trying to force a quirk out of you, ya' know. It probably just took awhile to develop, I did see how powerful it was. You should be thanking me."

Was there something stronger than hate? Izuku thinks that whatever that was, he was feeling it right now. He was so angry and helpless. Memories he spent years trying to recover from, came at him with full force.

"Thank you?! You seriously want me to thank you after all the abuse you put me through?! All the thoughts you shoved into my head, all the scars you gave me, and you want me to thank you?! I will never, ever thank you for making me go through all the things I had to go through alone. You aren't even the reason I got my quirk, for the record."

"Never call my mom or I ever again. We want nothing to do with you. Now would you kindly fuck off." He nearly punched the hang button before collapsing onto the floor and making himself as small as possible.

All the gathered burns, bruises, cuts that man gave him came back in loads of phantom pain. It was like he was reliving that whole hell all over again. It never seemed to stop. It was always at the back of his head and he could never tell anyone so he dealt with it alone, but he could only hold on for so long, right? There had to be some point in time where he just stopped. Was he allowed to do that? Where he just stopped being him. Stopped being anyone.

Maybe all of this was his fault. That's what his dad always told him. Everything always seemed like it was his fault. That he could've tried harder, done more, trained more. He was never enough; not even to his own self.

"Izuku." Out of all the darkness and panic, he could still hear his teacher call him. "Everything's okay now. You're safe."

But it wasn't. How could Aizawa say everything was okay when Izuku was struggling to do such a mundane task like breathing. His teacher was wrong. Izuku still had nightmares, he still flinches on his bad days, he still finds it so hard to trust people.

"How can everything be okay when I don't remember the last time I was?"

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