Taking a Pause

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A friend of mine requested a part two for the last story. It will have two different endings. The first one is the happy one, the second one is not.

Ending 1:
Even now, standing on the highest building he could find, Izuku could still feel the small embers of hope. The hope that someone will care enough to save him. That some one thought he was worth it.   
    Izuku clutched the railings harder. The ice cold rods of metal sticking to his hands and will no doubt rip pieces of his skin off when he finally lets go. His eyes are tired from the heavy crying he did not even an hour ago, his wrists still dripping with small amounts of blood.


    "I need to talk to you, Izuku." His mother forewarned. Izuku stiffened, but nodded anyways. "I saw the bandages around your arms and the blood in your sink. I'm not stupid, I know what you're doing to yourself."

    Surprisingly, Izuku did not panic. A small part of him even thought that this might be a good thing. Maybe his mom knowing will be the first step to healing.

    "I want you to get better, so I'll be removing you from U.A. Don't you think this will be good, Zuku? You won't be as stressed out anymore, and I can finally spend more time with you. Just like the good ol' days!"


    Izuku was good at hiding his shaking from his mother, but that shouldn't matter. She should know that this would only make it worse. That the reason he was like this in the first place was because he was away from U.A. Away from his family.

    He abruptly stood up, although it wasn't loud. Midoryia had never been so hurt and torn in his whole life, and the fact that the cause was his own mother made it seem as if his limbs were slowly ripping apart.

    "You can't do that." There was so much else he wanted to say, but no words to use.

    He couldn't even look at her.

    Inko stood up as well, "I can and I will. You have to trust me, this is for the best."

    Izuku wanted to scream at his mother that this was bullshit, but he knew that it would only make it worse. So instead, he numbly walked to his room and did what he seemed to do best: hurt himself.

    Only it wasn't enough. It didn't quell the stabbing of his heart like it usually did. His mind didn't even let him think that calling someone might help, and by the time he did think about that, he was already a mile away from his home without a phone.

    It was too late.


    Izuku doesn't know why he was stalling; he should just get it over with already, but something was holding back. He decided to wait one more minute, just in case someone did come to miraculously save him.

    Ten seconds went by. Then thirty came and went. Izuku slowly let go of the railings at fifty seconds, slightly wincing when some of the skin from the inside of his hand got ripped off. At sixty seconds, he took the final step off of the building, finally coming to the conclusion that no one would ever save him.

    As cheesy as it sounds, falling was magical. For years now, he's thought about what falling would feel like. The wind nipped at his ears and even though he was going incredibly fast, Izuku could see everything crystal clear. There were no flashbacks of his life, no regrets, just freedom.

    He was so close to hitting the ground. Izuku was neither excited nor scared in the end. The whole thing was ethereal; Izuku was ready. He wanted- no, that wasn't right. He needed this.

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