Flying Freely

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The city during the night was so beautiful. All the lights emitting from buildings twinkling like the invisible stars. The rundown building he was on the perfect view. He was in one of the more dangerous parts of the city, but Izuku didn't care. It was sad, to be honest. That this was the only place he didn't have to be anybody. Didn't have to feel anything. He could just gaze through his exhausted burning eyes.

He hated that he had to sneak out of the dorms to do this, but he was desperate for the freedom he rarely has.

Izuku picks up the soft landing behind him, but doesn't do anything to acknowledge it. All he wants is a few more moments of not living, not surviving, but just existing. A few more minutes, and then he'll go back to living up to the expectations of himself and everybody else. He'll go back to the person he's beginning to be. Someone that he could finally be proud of.

"Hey, aren't you that finger breaking kid?" The voice walks closer and rests his arms on the safety platform. The one Izuku happens to be on.

"And you must be Hawks." Midoriya had always found the number two hero interesting. Something about him was different and akin to plastic.

"Ah, so you think I'm fake, huh?" He didn't mean to say that out loud, but he did. He can't bring himself to care, either. Looking at Hawks for the first time in real life, something seems so similar about him. So sad and broken.

"No." The depressing thing is, is that the world is magnificent and elegant, but it's also the exact opposite. It's one of the many rules that they have to live by.


"Oh? Then what do you think about me?" And it clicks. Izuku knows exactly why this hero seems so similar.

"You're like me." The hero in training knows about the hero commission. How chaotic it is. He also knows that Hawks was trained by them.

His feathers seem to sharpen at that, the hero's eyes narrowing. He doesn't get it, and Izuku doesn't truly understand it as well. All he knows is that they are like each other in more ways than one.

Izuku can't help but respect him more.

"What do you mean by that?" Guilt slowly seeps through Izuku. Maybe he shouldn't have said that, but he has to keep talking. Hawk's voice seems level headed, but he's had years of experience distinguishing the slightest change of tone or movement in somebody. He knows that Hawk's is scared. Sceptical.

The teen doesn't make eye contact. Instead opting to look at the city. "We're both broken, I think. You look like me. I look like you. People have failed us. Beyond repair." This is when Izuku decides to make eye contact, his green eyes seemingly glowing in the dark sky. "You're a good hero."

Hawks smirks, and Izuku likes his smile. It's warm and welcoming with a bit of childishness in it. Not like the smiles he's seen him present on TV. This one is real.

"Thanks, kid. You're going to be a good hero, too." He doesn't know why his eyes water. Maybe it's because Izuku knows he's being truthful, or maybe it's because he's still not used to being complimented.

"Thank you."

"Aren't you supposed to be in the dorms?" At this, he cringes. It's getting late, and he's going to be caught if he stays any later.

Hawks barks a laugh, one that makes Izuku chuckle as well. "How about I help you get there? It'll take five minutes, tops."

Flying is surreal. The wind is brushing past his cheeks, biting them with chill. The entire time Izuku smiles and laughs along with Hawks. He hopes that they will be able to do this again. Something tells him that it will, and Izuku can't wait.

He hasn't felt this free in an eternity. Nor has he ever met a person that he sees himself in. For once, Izuku doesn't think his jaded shards that have been cracked over time are ugly, but beautiful. Maybe that's because he doesn't think Hawks's broken parts are ugly, but something that makes him stronger.

They are so beautifully broken.

They land on his dorm roof smiling like idiots. Izuku's face stinging from the cold, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

"Thank you, Hawks."

Before Hawks left, he turned back to Izuku. The teen didn't know it, but proudness was shining through his yellow eyes.

"Keep on fighting. You're doing great."

When Izuku went downstairs, tears were streaming down his face quietly. He felt so light. Like he was still flying through the air weightless. He didn't even care when he woke up in the morning feeling exhausted. It was worth it. So worth it.

Because as sad as it was that there was someone broken in the same ways as him, it was also so fulfilling. They both now have someone that understood. They weren't alone anymore.

It was funny, in a way. They hardly knew each other, but that didn't matter because they understood one another.

The light and comfort in his chest stayed there, and Izuku welcomed it with all his heart.

I'm so sorry for the late AND short chapter! I caught a cold and on top of that I haven't been sleeping well. So overall, I've been too exhausted to do much of anything lately. Again, I am so sorry. I'll try to make up for it next time with a longer chapter.

I hope everyone is doing well!

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