Forty One

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Hearing that Joy had practically had her share of infidelities with half the bakery staff, it fired me up. I wouldn't have cared so much if it was a present thing, but the fact that she did it while we were newly married baffled me.

So after speaking with Elizabeth and exiting the office, I released my anger where it felt most appropriate. I knocked over chairs, busted tables, ruined freshly baked treats—I lost complete control.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to bail any of you out," Janet told me, while we were on FaceTime with one another.

It was the following day and I was back at home seated at my kitchen table, having some tea. "That's because we did what we went there to do and then we left. Hell, I should've called on your cousins sooner."

I was dressed in a silk robe with comfy slippers upon my toes, and my hair hidden under a bonnet.

Laughing, the woman responded with, "Oh my gosh. How were they? Were they nice to you?" She clearly worried if her relatives had given me the right impression.

"They were." I moved my head up and down, answering yes. "They were nice. Not gonna lie though, they kinda got me together about calling Bread 'Bagel'." I laughed to myself, remembering the moment when it happened. "But, overall, I was glad to have them there. Now Joy on the other hand? She's probably—"

"Wait a minute, speaking of Joy," Janet cut me off, sounding as though she had something vastly important to tell me, "she called me last night. I think it was after you guys left."

Immediately, my eyes widened. "She called you?"There was no denying I hadn't expected those words of Janet. It surprised me greatly that Joy would contact my girlfriend—a woman she once hated. I couldn't even imagine the dynamic of that phone call. I wondered if it was awkward, weird even. "Well, what did she say? And wait, how does she even know your number?"

Janet smacked her lips, moving her shoulders up and down. "Oh, we exchanged numbers that night we had that double date." She then waved me off, not wanting me to make something fairly small seem so big. "This is the first time she's reached out, though. Anyways, she called and told me about what happened. Said that you and some girls came and damaged the bakery, caused a lot of scenes. She was pissed, baby. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she popped up over there you to confront you."

"Well she'll be here soon to pick up Jojo so I'm sure she'll bring up what happened," I replied, rolling my eyes. I had already figured Joy's presence in my home would stir up a conversation of what occurred. "But wait, let me get this straight. She called you to-to snitch on me? I mean, what the hell? Does she think you're my mother?"

The other woman shrugged her shoulders once more, uncertain of Joy's true intentions. "I really don't know, but she's definitely—"

Impeding my girlfriend's words, the doorbell to my home sounded. I rolled my eyes, already knowing who had arrived.
"Welp, she's here." I sighed, wishing I didn't have to end the call with Janet, but I knew I had Joy to face. "I'll call you back, babe."
Before letting Janet go, I invited her over being that we'd have the house to ourselves. She agreed, informing me that she'd come within the next hour. We then blew each other kisses and went our ways.

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