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"While we are here, you two need to decide on all assets, properties, and to form some sort of agreement on the custody of six year old, Josiah Braxton." Those words were released from the tongue of my attorney, Alice Sweeney, who was guiding me through the process of divorce.

Joy, seated next to her own attorney, sat just across from myself and Alice. I had arranged this meeting as I felt it was indeed necessary to move forward with officially ending things. We just weren't who we used to be and times were incredibly different. So this had to happen.

"Also," Alice continued, her eyes traveling from mine to Joy's. "You guys need to be clear about all that you are hoping to gain and willing to lose in this divorce." She spoke clearly and informative. "It is very important that you ladies express exactly what you want."

"Well," Joy began, looking over at me. "I want whatever Toni wants. I am fine with what she decides." She then shrugged her shoulders.

Dana O'Riley, her attorney, sat up a bit in her chair, creating a pause gesture with her hands. "Woah, woah. Wait a minute here, Joy. You need to be very careful about what you are saying." She looked at my wife with curious eyes. "Are you sure you're okay with whatever Toni decides?"

The rest of us at the table watched as Joy moved her head up and down, as she did so in a rather confident manner.
"I am," she replied. "Dana, I have put Toni through hell and back these past couple of months. And I don't want to make things worse. She deserves some kind of peace, y'know?"

After Dana seemed to have understood, my own attorney looked over at me and asked, "Well, Toni, what do you want?" She and the other women at the table waited patiently for my response.

Truthfully, I took quite a moment to really prepare my words. Joy had caught me off guard stating how she just wanted things to be peaceful. That seemed mature of her, and almost reminded me of the Joy she used to be.

"First things firsts, Josiah is my main priority in this." I finally spoke, sitting up in my chair and crossing my fingers within one another. "Now that we're going our separate ways, I want a percentage of the profits of both my salon and Joy's bakery to go towards a college fund for Josiah." I made sure to speak as advised. "Even if he decides to not go to college, I still want him to have that money in savings."

Alice glanced over at Joy and Dana, making sure they were in agreement with what I said.
Both women moved their heads in fashions that showed they concurred.

"Also, as for Josiah's living arrangements," I continued on, motioning toward myself. "I feel that it's best if his primary home is my house. Joy is free to come over as she pleases, as she is still his mom."

Immediately, Joy grew a bit disappointed. She looked at me sideways, frowning. "Your house? Now, I agree with everything else you said, but not that." She shook her head from side to side, pointing in my direction. "That's not something only you can just decide, Toni."

I sighed, waving her off. Clearly it slipped her mind that she had done the same thing to me awhile back. I hadn't forgotten that she considered taking Josiah to live with her and Karen. And in no shape or form was that ever going to happen.
"Did you not just give me the okay to make all the decisions here?"

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