The Cafe

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Louis and Harry left the pet store with their new fish and they couldn't be happier.

"Ok off to our next destination!" Harry says as they get into the car.

"There's more?" Louis asks his boyfriend with a confused but excited look.

"You are going to get spoiled today, Lou. Only the best for my boobear" Harry says, smiling at the older man sat beside him.

"You're so corny Hazza" Louis says with an eye roll.

And with that, they were off. Harry pulled into the parking of their favorite cafe and smiled as Louis made an excited and cheerful squeal.

"Harry, we haven't been here in ages!" Louis says as he impatiently gets out of the car.

"I know, that's why we're here now. I figured we should come here before you leave, since you'll be gone for so long" Harry says and they both stop smiling.

"Shall we go in?" Louis asks, breaking the tension.

"Obviously" Harry says with a smirk and they both laugh.

"I honestly thought I was being subtle!" Louis says, trying to defend himself.

"Lou, no one says 'obviously' like that unless they're being sarcastic" Harry says as they enter the cafe.

"Well to be fair, I was being sarcastic" Louis says, proving his point.

"Valid" Harry says with a giggle. Oh lord, Louis loved that giggle.

Harry and Louis walk into the cafe and take a seat in the back where they wouldn't be seen. As they were ordering their food, they heard two girls whispering and quietly screaming. They looked over and the girls froze with shock.

"Shit" Louis says as he facepalms.

"What do we do now?" Harry asks, concerned.

"I guess walk over and tell them not to tell anyone" Louis says as he starts to get up.

"Ok, I guess" Harry says as he walks with Louis towards the girls.

"Hi darlings. So based on your reaction, I assume you know who we are" Louis says to the girls. They looked about 14. One girl was brunette while the other was blonde.

"Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening," the brunette says while trying and failing not to freak out, "I just- you're here- and- oh my god Larry".

"What I think my girlfriend is trying to say is yes, we know who you are. This is huge and we're kinda freaking out" the blonde says in a calmer but still excited tone.

"Ok well, here's what I need you girls to do. You two seem like pretty trustworthy people so you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone that we were here together" Harry says to the girls.

"We promise we won't tell anyone" the brunette says, finally calming down a little.

"Thank you so much darlings" Louis says and the girls squeal.

"What are your names?" Harry asks them.

"I'm Grace and this is my girlfriend, Addie" the brunette says, looking lovingly at the blonde.

"Well you two are an adorable couple and thanks again for keeping our secret" Harry says as they leave Addie and Grace's table.

"Wait! Can we take a picture with you? We won't post it of course" Grace asks.

"Yeah, of course" Louis says, taking Grace's phone.

Louis holds the phone up and takes a selfie of the four of them. Addie and Grace thank them and smile to themselves when the boys give them both hugs. After a round of hugs and "thank you loves" each couple went back to their table. Harry and Louis sat down and prayed that the girls would keep their promise.

Author Notes:

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in literally forever. I couldn't think of anything to write. But I hope you liked this chapter. I thought it would be cute to add me and my girlfriend Addie_your_Queen because why the hell not? Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and get excited for future chapters. The title will make sense soon, don't worry darling (too soon? lol). Ok I'm gonna shut up now. I love you all and TPWK❤️🌈

(Question: Will the girls keep their promise?)

Yours Sincerely, LouisWhere stories live. Discover now