"Romeo Romeo Where for Art Thou Romeo?"

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6 weeks after Louis left

The day finally came and Harry didn't want to waste another second. He grabbed a backpack and packed everything he thought he would need; snacks, books, extra clothes, his phone, condoms, lube, a blindfold, and handcuffs. Once he was all packed he hopped in his car and drove off.


Louis woke up feeling nauseous. He had a really bad cough the night before but he shook it off. But by morning he felt like shit. The church staff called the nurse and it turns out Louis had a fever. He was actually secretly glad though because everyone at the church would be going on a little field trip to a concentration camp for the next two days but since Louis was sick he wouldn't be able to go.

"You are to stay in your room until we get back" Nancy said to him as they were about to leave.

"The staff will bring your meals to your room and you may use the bathroom at the end of the hall. Try to get some rest and get well soon. We wouldn't want you to miss any more trips" Nancy says and she leaves his room.

Louis sighs in relief. He was actually alone. He could finally be alone with his thoughts. He could finally think about his boyfriend without someone telling him that loving Harry was a sin. He was finally allowed to just... be.


"Jesus how far away is this place?" Harry mutters to himself as he drives down what seems to be a never ending road.

But the drive was gonna be worth it in the end. He just knew it. It was the perfect plan and he couldn't wait. He smiled to himself as he continued to drive for another few hours.

Once he finally arrived at the church he went around the back so no one would see him. It was already dark which was perfect for his plan. He stepped out of his car and tried to find Louis' window.

He walked all around the outside of the church, trying to find his beloved boyfriend. After what felt like an eternity, he finally spotted the sad, lonely boy sitting beside his window. Harry gathered some pebbles from the ground and started to chuck them at Louis' window.


Louis had started to feel better as the day went on. He was just about to doze off to sleep when he heard a bang on his window. He tried to ignore it until he heard it again, and again, and again. He looked out his window and nearly screamed from the sight. He opened his window with excitement.

"Romeo Romeo where for art thou Romeo?" Harry announced from outside.

"Harry what the hell are you doing here?!" Louis loudly whispered, not wanting to wake the staff up.

"I missed you Lou" Harry smiled, his dimples showing.

"You're such a sap" Louis rolled his eyes.


Louis moved out of the way so Harry could walk through his window into his room. Once he was inside, Louis showered him with kisses. Harry returned the favor and started to kiss him passionately. He started to kiss his neck but made sure not to leave a mark.

Louis tugged at the hem of Harry's shirt until he got the idea and pulled it off. Louis followed Harry's actions and removed his own shirt. They reattached their lips and Harry started to rub his large hands all over Louis' body. He pulled away from the kiss for a split second and Louis whimpered from the loss of contact. Harry let out a small giggle.

That fucking giggle.

Harry typed something into his phone and set it down on the table. Louis gave him a confused look. Harry smirked devilishly at him as the opening of 'Medicine' started playing. Louis' eyes went dark, as he was very turned on at the moment.

Harry reattached their lips and started walking Louis over to the bed. He laid Louis down and climbed on top of him, pinning his wrists above his head.

"Oi!" Louis snapped "I top!"

Harry's eyes went dark.

"Not tonight you don't"

Author Notes:

Ok so that was a long chapter lol. So what did y'all think? I figured they had to see each other again before Louis went back home. Also I know you filthy bastards who like smut (don't worry I'm one of those bastards) are gonna hate me because I left y'all off on a cliffhanger but too bad! Anygays I hope you liked it! TPWK!

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