The Call

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Simon angrily dialed Louis's number.

"What do you want?" Louis asked, annoyed.

"My office. Now" Simon said, furiously.

"Looking forward to it" Louis said with obvious sarcasm.

"I don't have time for your attitude. Now, get here soon. And don't even think about bringing him" Simon said.

"Don't you worry, Simon. I keep my boyfriend away from homophobic pricks."

And with that, Louis hung up the phone. He slammed his phone on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen where Harry was cooking dinner. Harry was listening to music so he didn't hear Louis come in. Harry was singing and dancing around the kitchen. Louis just stood there admiring the younger man. How did I get so lucky? Louis asked himself. Harry looked up and saw his boyfriend looking at him lovingly.

"Boobear!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey Haz," Louis said, "Whatcha making?"

"Our favorite meal," Harry said with a proud look on his face, "Chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham, with a side of home-made mash."

"Aww Hazza! That's so sweet!" Louis said.

Harry stopped listening to his cooking playlist (he has a playlist for everything and Louis sometimes makes fun of him for it), and walked to the other side of the kitchen where the older man was standing.

"So what was that call all about. You seemed pretty annoyed" Harry asks.

"It was from Satan himself" Louis says with a chuckle.

Harry rolls his eyes. "What does he want now?"

"He wants me in his office ASAP" Louis says with an annoyed tone.

"Ugh. So you're leaving me?" Harry asks with a sad face.

"I won't be long, Love. I'll be back before dinner. And if not dinner then dessert" Louis says, comforting his boyfriend.

"Oh I didn't plan on having dessert. But I can run to the store to get a pie or something" Harry says, frantically.

"That wasn't the dessert I was referring to" Louis says, seductively.

"Oh Lou, how you turn me on" Harry says with a cute giggle.

Louis loved Harry's giggle.

"I love you Haz. I'll be back soon" Louis says.

Louis kisses Harry on the cheek, grabs his phone and keyes, and heads out the door.

"This should be fun" Louis exclaims as he starts the car.

With that, he drives off, not looking forward to this little "meeting".

Author Notes:

So what did you guys think? I know it was short but I don't really like writing long chapters so I'm sorry if you like long chapters. I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Once again, this is my first fic so it's not the best. If you have any tips, tell me in the comments. I'd really appreciate it. I don't know when the next chapter will be out but I'll try to get it out as soon as I can. I hope you liked it! TPWK🌈❤️

(Question: Why do you think Simon wants to see Louis in his office?)

Yours Sincerely, LouisWhere stories live. Discover now