"Please don't leave me"

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Louis was dreading the return home. Harry has seemed so happy lately and he didn't want to ruin that. But alas, he had to tell him. Louis arrived home about 10 minutes later. He walked up to the door, hesitated, took a deep breath, and went inside.

"Lou! You're home! I just finished dinner" Harry exclaims excitedly as he skips happily to his boyfriend.

Louis smiles and kisses him on the cheek. Even when Louis is feeling down, Harry can always put a smile on his face.

"Hey Haz. Miss me?" Louis asks with a cheeky smile.

"I always miss you when you leave" Harry says as he caresses Louis's cheek.

Louis's happiness is quickly shut down when he remembers what Simon told him.

"Harry, there's something important I need to tell you" Louis says, making eye contact.

"What is it Lou?" Harry asks, worried.

"Can we sit down in the living room? I really need to sit down for this" Louis says and they move to the living room.

"Lou you're scaring me. What's wrong, Love?" Harry asks with a worried look on his face.

"Simon listened to the album and he thinks that my lyrics are too loud and fans are gonna know that the whole album is about you," Louis says, trying to hold back tears, "So he's decided to send me to conversion therapy.

The two of them sit in silence for about a minute until Harry speaks up.

"He can't do that!" Harry practically shouts.

"Well technically he can because I broke the contract so he can give me what ever punishment he wants" Louis was crying now and so was Harry.

"No... He can't... H-he c-can't do that. He just can't. He can't" Harry stutters.

Harry's breath gets heavy and frantic and he starts to cry even more. He starts shaking and Louis realizes what's going on. Harry's having a panic attack.

"Harry, Love. Calm down it's all going to be alright. I'm here I'm here. We're going to get through this. You're okay. You're going to be okay" Louis says, trying to comfort the younger man.

"I need you, Lou. I need you" Harry says in between sobs.

"I know Harry, I know. I need you too. But we're going to get through this. It's all going to be alright" Louis says and Harry calms down a little.

Harry stops sobbing and now he's just whimpering softly. His breathing has slowed down and he stops shaking. He looks up at Louis with tear-stained eyes.

"Please don't leave me, Lou".

Louis is confused at first but then realizes that Harry isn't talking about leaving for conversion therapy.

"Oh Harry. I won't leave you. I promise" Louis says lovingly while looking into his boyfriend's eyes.

They cuddle in silence for about 20 minutes. The food has gotten cold and now it's too late for dinner.

"Lou, what about dinner?" Harry asks.

"Not hungry. Are you?" Louis asks in return.

"No. Let's just go to bed. It's been a long night" Harry says.

They get off the couch and Harry carries Louis bridal style to their shared bedroom. He places him down on the bed and moves to the other side of him. Louis falls asleep with his arms wrapped around Harry's waist.

"Please don't leave me" Harry whispers to the smaller man.

Harry starts to cry again and he hugs Louis like it's the last time he would ever hug him. He snuggles him close to his chest and falls asleep, crying.

Author Notes:

So what did you think of this chapter? I think I'm getting better at this whole writing thing. Idk. What do you guys think? Anyways, I am really excited to continue writing this so I'll see you soon with the next chapter. TPWK🌈❤️

(Question: Why do you think Harry kept saying "Please don't leave me"? What did he mean by that?)

Yours Sincerely, LouisWhere stories live. Discover now