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Louis knocked on Simon's door nervously. Though he didn't like to admit it, he was genuinely scared of the man. He could ruin his whole career with the snap of his fingers so Louis always got nervous when Simon held these little "meetings". You can't even call them meetings. They're more like lectures. And they're always the same thing. Louis does something related to Larry, Simon gets mad, Simon gives him a lecture, Louis says he won't do it again, and then this process repeats.

"Come in" Simon says harshly.

Louis opens the door and walks in, waiting for the lecture to begin. Louis was sure he knew what it was about, too.

"Now I'm sure you know why I called you here, Louis" Simon says with the same harsh tone.

"What ever do you mean, Simon?" Louis asks with a cheeky grin. He knew exactly why he was here but he loved giving Simon attitude.

"Don't start with me. You know why you're here. As you know, Walls was released today" Simon says as Louis sits down in front of him.

"No, I didn't know that, Simon. It's not like I woke up to thousands of tweets congratulating me" Louis says with another cheeky grin.

"Hey, you don't have to give me attitude. Anyway, Walls was released today and I just gave it a listen" Simon says now with a more serious tone of voice.

"Oh did you now? That's so nice that you support me, Simon" Louis says sassily.

"I'm legally required to, Louis. Now if you would stop interrupting me I would like to tell you why you're here"

"Get on with it then. Can't be here too long. I need to get home. Harry's making dinner. And we have something special planned for after, if you know what I mean" Louis smirks.

"Disgusting. Now, I gave the album a listen and I think we have a problem. You signed a contract stating that you will do everything in your power to make sure the Larry rumors stop. Allow me to read you some lyrics that you, Louis Tomlinson, wrote."

Simon pulls out a paper with the lyrics of some of his songs. Simon begins reading.

"I went to Amsterdam without you and all I could do was think about you"

"I'm wasting my time when it was always you"

"Should've never let you go, should've never let you go. My baby"

"Took some time cuz I ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be, but honestly I don't have to choose anymore. It's been ages, different stages come so far from Princess Park"

"I was better with you and I miss you now"

"We were too young to know we had everything. Too young, I wish I could've seen it all along. I'm sorry that I hurt you darling. We were too young"

"It's been two years since I've seen your face"

"Been up all night, all night running all my lines, but it's only the truth"

"Okay, we get the picture" Louis exclaims, annoyed.

"Don't you see, Louis? Your fans aren't dumb, you know? They can figure things out. They're definitely gonna know that these are about Harry" Simon exclaims, raising his voice.

"Okay, and? There's nothing you can do about it. No matter how hard you try, the rumors will never go away. Most of my fans know that Larry is real. Trying to make the rumors go away isn't going to do anything. It's been 10 fucking years of this bullshit. Just let us come out. What harm will it do? Our fans already know and they all want us to come out. I don't see why we still have to hide" Louis practically shouts. He is so tired of Simon's bullshit. He just wants to be out and happy with his boyfriend.

"Because, Louis, you signed a contract. You cannot break that contract. And your career would be ruined if you came out. People don't want to support faggots like you and your boy toy"

(I don't support using this foul language towards the LGBTQ+ community. As someone who is part of the community, I find it extremely offensive when someone uses the f slur. It's just something that I feel my character of Simon would say.)

"Don't you dare speak about my boyfriend like that" Louis says, ready to pummel Simon.

"I can speak about him however I want to. I'm your boss, remember? I tell you what to do, not vice versa" Simon says.

"Okay whatever. Well what are you going to about it, huh? The album's already out. Fans have already figured it out. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it" Louis says matter-of-factly.

"Oh Louis. You have no idea what I'm capable of" Simon says with a smirk and Louis instantly regrets saying anything.

"So what are you gonna do? Fire me? End my career? Make me deny Larry?" Louis asks.

"I was thinking it over and honestly, none of those would work. You have a bigger fanbase than me and it would only make me suffer" Simon says and Louis chuckles. Simon throws him a stern look and Louis immediately stops laughing.

"So I've decided that the only way to get these rumors to stop is to simply get rid of the gay in you"

Louis laughs at this. "Get rid of the gay in me? How can you possibly do that?"

"Well I've been doing research and conversion therapy seems to be a very successful method" Simon says.

Louis sits there in shock. Conversion therapy? Would Simon really do that to him? Could he really do that to him? Louis shivered at the thought.

"You can't send me to conversion therapy" Louis says, trying to sound tough but in reality he's terrified.

"Actually, I can. You broke the contract. The contract states that "If said client fails to follow legal contract, he or she must suffer the consequences, whatever they may be. If client refuses said consequences, his or her manager has legal permission to fire said client" so it's either you go or you get fired. It's up to you. Now please leave my office".

Louis tries to talk back, but can't. There's nothing he can say or do that would change anything. He has to go or else his career is over. He couldn't believe it. He was going to conversion therapy. He heard so many awful stories about what they do to their patients to "get rid of the homosexuality".

Then Louis realized something. Harry. What about Harry? He couldn't be away from Harry for that long. He needed Harry and Harry needed him. What was he gonna do?

Author Notes:

I know, I hate it too. I told you this story would be sad. And it only gets sadder from here so get ready. I hope you guys liked this chapter anyway. I know it's sad, but still. I have a few different story lines for this fic and I don't really know what direction I want it to go. Leave some suggestions in the comments. Bye and TPWK🌈❤️

(Question: What do you think Harry will do when he finds out?)

Yours Sincerely, LouisWhere stories live. Discover now