The Letter

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Ever since Louis left, Harry hadn't been himself. He stayed inside all day, didn't bother getting dressed, he didn't even eat. All he would do is stay in his bed crying all day. Niall would come around sometimes to try and get Harry out of the house but it never worked. Harry wanted his boy. He spent every day going through old photos and videos on his phone. It's only been 2 weeks but Harry already misses him like crazy.

Harry was lying in his bed scrolling through old One Direction videos until he heard a knock on the door.

"Go away" Harry said, not looking up from his phone.

"You have mail" says the Irish man from the other side of the door.

"I don't wanna pay bills right now, Niall" Harry says with a whine.

"It's a letter" Niall says.

Harry looks away from his phone, confused. Who would send him a letter? Fan mail perhaps?

"It's from Louis" Niall says.

Harry jumps off his bed so fast he almost falls. He races to the door and yanks it open. He rips the letter from Niall's hands and sits down on his bed to read it. His eyes start to tear up as he reads. The letter was short and sweet and it was everything that Harry needed in that moment. He broke down crying and Niall rushed over to comfort him. The two friends hugged on the bed for a good 10 minutes until Niall left to record for his new album.

After Harry said goodbye to Niall he got out a paper and pencil and started writing. He didn't care how long it would take for Louis to receive the letter. This was a way for them to talk to one another and Harry was going to do it no matter how long it took.

Author Notes:

hi my loves! i know i know i said i would get better at updating but hey, i try my best! also, i didn't edit this so i apologize for any mistakes. anygays i hope you liked this chapter and as always tpwk!

Yours Sincerely, LouisWhere stories live. Discover now