50. The night in Puerto Rico. - Chris

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We've been in Puerto Rico for Christmas break for less than a day, and I'm already pissed off. It's the beginning of winter in my senior year of high school.

Will appears to have fallen asleep next to me while lying in the sunshine. He's quietly propped up in a chaise lounge chair on his back.

I glare over to the source of my frustration. Olivia and her friend Blair are sitting on the side of the pool with their feet dangling in the water, while a few guys interestedly talk and flirt with them.

Mac and Mia abandoned us hours ago to eat in solitude, which is truly good for them. They deserve their alone time.

I roll my eyes behind my sunglasses. I don't want to watch this show, but I don't know how to change the channel without being a hothead.

I poke Will with my foot, and he grunts at me. "Fuck off."

"I am going back to the room to shower before we go out."


As I swagger around the pool, I take my sunglasses off so Liv can know I have my eyes on these guys.

She looks me dead in the eye with an unimpressed look on her face. "Fuck off, Chris. I'm allowed to talk to people."

The second member of the Graham family to tell me to fuck off in two minutes. Either I'm an asshole, or they have anger issues.

I do not know her friend Blair at all, just that they share a suite at private school. She's waify thin and small, and her eyes barely skim the height of my chest. Her large, round eyes flick between Olivia and me.

"I know you are," I retort, moving my arms to flex my muscles, so I look more pumped up. "But I still want to talk to you."

"Will you excuse me?" She murmurs to her friends, and she follows me as I move to the side of the resort's building. I fold my arms and lean against the building.

"What do you need from me?" She mumbles.

"Nothing," I shrug.

Just want you away from those idiots while you're in your bathing suit.

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