43. The getting the hell out of there. - Olivia

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Bile rises in my throat as I listen to Eric and my brother talk outside, blood in my head rushes to my ears

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Bile rises in my throat as I listen to Eric and my brother talk outside, blood in my head rushes to my ears. After listening to Eric and my brother talk outside, I'm unsure how to proceed, but I can't live in this guest room.

I have to get out of here.

But I have to be cool under pressure. I rouse myself up, trying to push back any sort of panic. This is such a dramatic get-together, and I can't throw down with Will a second time.

Walking back out to Will and Joanie's backyard, I cast a furtive glance around at the sea of people. Who knows about the fact that my brother transports drugs?

I see my brother talking to Chris, and Chris tilts his head as he looks at me, his eyebrows together as he looks at me with concern.

How did I grow up in some sort of... mafia-type family...and never even have a clue? Am I in some real-life Truman Show where everybody orchestrates my life?

My upbringing, my family, my friends, my husband. I'm questioning what parts of my life are authentic. I mean, who here hasn't lied to me? I don't know if I can even decipher that.

Sean smiles over at me warmly from where he's standing, talking to Jeremy.

Oh god. Not you. Please, god, not you.

Now Rodrigo's joke about me dating somebody in law enforcement makes sense. The break-ins at my house. The deaths of my husband and my parents.

"Liv?" Joanie is looking at me in concern. "What's going on now?"

I must seem nuts. First, Chris, now this.

Oh my god. Does Chris know?! That must be why he wouldn't tell me what happened with Jakob's accident.

Oh my god.

I can't trust anybody.

And whoever those people that keep trying to get into my house and referencing Jakob are trying to get something from me.

They might successfully get into my house. Kill me. Kill Snuggles. I have to leave. I have to leave Will's house, and I have to leave Holly.

I back away from JoJo. "Um, yes, I'm just feeling sick."

Sean meets my eyes again, noticing my expression, and makes his way over to me quickly. "What's wrong?" He asks in my ear quietly, putting his arm around me. Joanie steps away to let us talk.

I put my hands on his face. "Do you always tell me the truth?" I ask him, looking into his eyes.

He licks his lips. "Is this about Kelly again? I swear, baby, I don't talk to her. Do you want to see my phone?"

I kiss him softly. "No. I trust you."

His fingers brush my cheek. "You look pale." He looks around the yard once before murmuring, "Let's go, huh?"

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