47. The end of Portugal. - Olivia

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"Bom dia, mi amor."

My eyes still closed, I feel soft lips dusting along my jaw before reaching the corner of my mouth.

Stretching out on my back, his hand traces up to my stomach, his ankle latching over mine as our legs intertwine. He pushes my chin up lightly to kiss my neck. "Didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. I have to go, lindeza."

"Hmm, why?" I sigh sleepily, gazing into Jakob's haunting eyes. I stretch out wide on the bed and look up at the ceiling fan spinning consistently at a low, lazy speed. That's how I feel today.

It is early morning hours; the dawn of the sun is peeking through my open window. I'm 22, and my two years in Portugal will come to an end soon.

"I have to go," he repeats, stroking my hair that is fanned out on the pillow.

Reaching up, I clutch the back of his hair lightly and give him what I hope is a cute pout. "I don't want you to."

"Meet me tonight?" He asks, and his lips find my clavicle.


"Half-past eight."


"My flat."

"What about -"

"Eu te amo." He kisses my cheek once before scurrying out of my bed and grabbing his shirt.

Jakob gives me his famous dreamy smile before he's out the door. I groan, leaning back onto my bed to fall asleep again.

My day is leisurely. I only have one class, and I can enjoy my alone time by taking a walk on the coastline.

"Olá." Rodrigo is striding toward me as I'm sitting al fresco in the courtyard near my flat. "How are you, stranger?"

I stand up to hug him hello before we sit down together. "Hey, Rod. I'm fine, and how are you?"

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