53. The blushing bridesmaid. - Olivia

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I'm backing away from Chris at the bar, flashing my eyebrows at him with an inviting smile. We slept together that night we said goodbye to my parents a few months ago, and I'd like to repeat that encounter.

I'm always somewhere between desperately wanting Chris to pursue me and wanting to kick him in the shins when he attempts because of the aftermath.

His intimacy is a drug. And when I am faced with reminders of how broken I am, I crave the high.

So we can play cat and mouse if that's how I get his interest piqued.

Chris's hard gaze blazes possessively at me as I turn around to find my chair. I sit next to my cousin Matt again and snort internally.

He was jealous of Matty.

Matt is a pensive type of cute, with flowing sandy blond hair he usually wears pushed up with an undercut. He has a square jaw and dark blue eyes hidden by black glasses. His twin has the same face, but that's where their similarities end.

Paul darkens his hair and wears it in a short Mohawk. He wears a stupid-looking eyebrow piercing that he loves, so I don't tell him that.

"That's Chris, huh?" Matt whispers, looking over to where I had just left.

"Yup," I agree, my lips harshly popping the sound of the letter p.

"He's hot."

I snort out loud this time. "I know."

And he looks incredibly, tremendously, remarkably handsome in his suit today.

"If you don't want him, I'll take him off your hands," Matt offers.

Nudging him with my elbow in jest, we snicker together as I confess Chris jealously thought Matt was my date.

"I hope you told him yes to make him jealous."

I shake my head. "Not quite. I essentially called him a jerk instead and came back to you."

Matt squints in the distance. "Well, prepare yourself, Liv."

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