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Aimee's POV
It's been a week and we decided not to go on vacation just so we could focus on packing and everything so we postponed it for next month.

Tomorrow's the big day. The day we move into our actual first house ever. I'm honestly so excited. We won't have to constantly take the elevator to get to our apartment. Especially with groceries which is a pain in the ass.

Anyways, I was at the daycare working. Shawn had the day off so he was at the apartment finishing packing everything. My sisters Amelia and Elena wanted to take Adalynn for the day so she isn't at the daycare.

Tomorrow's Friday and I'm taking the day off since we're moving but me and Shawn are debating if we want to send Adalynn to the daycare so we could move and not have to worry about her or just keep her home and Sebastian will obviously be in school.

I was at the daycare just talking to Alexa. Shawn was also here taking a break from packing and wanted to visit me. "What community are you guys moving to again?" Alexa asked and I looked at Shawn.

"It was like Artistry Sarasota or something like that" I answered looking back at Alexa and her eyes widened. "Really?" She chuckled nervously. "Uh yeah....why?" I asked, nervous.

"I'm just curious. That community is literally the hardest to able to actually get into. My ex best friend's husband had to actually sleep with the lady that owns that community to be able to even get to look at the houses" Alexa said, and I slowly looked at Shawn to see his reaction and he just sat there.

"Um....I'll leave you two alone" Alexa awkwardly said and walked away back into her classroom. "Be honest with me Shawn" I say, looking at him.

"About what?" He asked, acting stupid. "What you mean 'about what'. Did you fucking sleep with the lady just so we could get that house?" I asked and he chuckled. "Of course not Aimee. I wouldn't do that"he says and I couldn't tell if I should believe him or not.

"Maybe she's gonna try sleeping with you once we move in" I say, thinking about it. "Aimee, you're being ridiculous. The only person I'm sleeping with is you" he says and I laughed.

"I should believe that?" I asked. "It wouldn't be the first time you cheated on me" I added and he looked at me.

"Are you being serious right now? That was four fucking years ago. Four years ago! I haven't done anything since that" he says and I just looked down.

"Aimee, I'm not gonna do anything stupid. I love you and I don't want to lose you. That's why I married you. If she tries anything I'll let you know" he added and I nod looking down.

I still don't know if I believe that or not. Somethings telling me he's lying but I'm just gonna pretend I believe him. I'm not gonna start anything at work.

"I love you" I faked a smile. "I know that's a fake smile" he says, kissing me. "I'm gonna go back home and finish packing" he says and with that he walked out.

I just sighed rubbing my head. I got my phone and decided to call Amelia to see how Adalynn is doing. "Hey Aimee!!" Amelia says, excitedly. "Hey! Im just calling to see how Adalynn is doing" I say and I heard Adalynn scream in the background and I chuckled.

"She's doing good. She's a crazy girl though" Amelia laughed. "I warned you!" I chuckled. "Well I'm gonna get back to work. I just wanted to see how Adalynn is doing. I'll pick her up after I leave work so I could take her to gymnastic practice" I added.

"Okay! Sounds good" she says, hanging up. I smiled putting my cell phone down. I get back to work. At about 2:30 I left and I picked Adalynn up to go to gymnastic practice.

Do you think Alexa was telling the truth about the lady her ex best friends ex husband slept with to get the house?

Do you think Shawn slept with the lady just so they could get the house?

Do you think Shawn lied to Aimee when he said he didn't sleep with her. Why?

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