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Aimee's POV
Today was Sunday and we have nothing planned. Sunday's are usually our lazy day where we just sit in our pajamas all day and just chill at home. We just spend all day hanging with each other which is nice cause we both have off work.

The kids just finished eating Mac and cheese for lunch and me and Shawn decided to sit down and talk to Sebastian about joining a sport with the school so he has something to do.

"Come here Seb" I say, patting the spot on the couch in front of me and Shawn. He comes over and I smiled as Adalynn plays with her doll house.

"Okay. So now that your sister is in gymnastics me and your dad wanted to talk to you about possibly joining a sport with your school. You could pick anything you wanna do or anything you think you would like to try out" I say and he smiled.

"I kind of like playing basketball but yesterday me and Uncle Jeremy were playing football and that was kind of a lot of fun but I don't know which one I like the best. I like both of those sports" he answered and I smiled looking at Shawn.

"Here what about this. You could think about which one you wanna play more and then let us know by bed time so I could sign you up by tomorrow!" Shawn suggested and Sebastian smiled nodding.

"Can uncle Jeremy come over?!?!" He says excitedly and I chuckled. "Not today. If I'm not mistaken he's going out with his girlfriend" I say rolling my eyes and he groaned getting up and went to play with his toys.

"What was that about?" Shawn asked and I looked at him confused. "What you talking about?" I asked, grabbing the remote and slouching into the couch. "You rolled your eyes when you said Jeremy was hanging with Aaliyah today. And you didn't even say her name. You said 'his girlfriend'" he said putting bunny ears up when he said "his girlfriend".

"What you talking about. No I didnt" I say turning on the TV. "What's going on Aimee?" He asked looking at me and I looked at him.

"Nothing Shawn" I say getting annoyed. "You're lying" he says, taking the remote away from me and turning the tv off.

"How would you know" I asked and he chuckled. "Whenever you lie you eyebrows flare up and you always scrunch your nose. It's adorable but what's going on?" He asked and I sighed.

Should  I tell him?

I mean there's no way of getting out of this now.

"Can I trust you?" I asked and he laughed. "You serious Aimee? We're married. I think you could trust me with anything by now" he says and I sighed. "DO NOT tell anyone! I promised Jaxon I wouldn't say anything and I don't want him to get mad at me" I say and he nods.

I groaned rubbing my head. "Your sister slept with Jaxon" I say and his eyes widened. "WHAT?!" He yelled and you could see the anger in his eyes.

"Don't tell Aaliyah cause she doesn't even know that I know" I say and he shook his head. "I can't believe she would do that. I guess I really don't know my sister like I thought I did" he says and I just sighed looking down.

"Does Jeremy know?" He asked and I shook my head. "No. And I don't know what I should do. I wanna tell him but I don't want him hating Jaxon or Jaxon hating me" I say stressing out.

"I completely understand. I just would hate being in Jeremys position. He's gonna feel like a fool once he find out. I know I would be humiliated but I understand why you don't wanna say anything and I won't" he says and I smiled kissing him. For the rest of the day we just hung out.

What sport do you think Sebastian should play and why?

What do you think he's gonna sign up for?

How do you feel about Aimee telling Shawn about Jaxon and Aaliyah?

Do you think Aimee was wrong for doing that? Why or why not?

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