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Aimee's POV
Last night was our first official night at the new house and we absolutely love it. It's big enough for all of us, it even has a pool, a huge driveway, and gated backyard where the pool is, and even a guest house with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.

All the rooms were somewhat put together already. Shawn hired a guy to set up the furniture, paint the rooms, etc which I was happy about but I didn't expect it at all but it's nice because that's less than what we have to do.

Anyways, today's thanksgiving. The plan is to go to my dads and then we decided that we're gonna eat dinner early. Like around 3 then around 7 or 8 we're gonna drive five hours so we don't have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow and we're already there to see Jaxon on Saturday.

I woke up around 7:30. Even though it's not much, it does feel good to sleep in a little. Even if it's just four 15 extra minutes.

I noticed Shawn wasn't in bed with me so I got up rubbing my eyes. I stand up and walked out of our new home. I was walking towards the stairs to see Adalynn's new bedroom door was opened. I peeked into the room and saw Adalynn sleeping. I then noticed Shawn sitting by her dresser going through the boxes next to it and his flashlight on.

"What you doing?" I whispered, he looked at me and whispered, "hold on"

I nod walking downstairs into our brand new kitchen. I love this kitchen. It's so big.

After about 5 minutes Shawn walks in. "Hey" he smiled, kissing me. "I've been up since 6 so I decided to start unpacking some of the kids clothes and everything" he says and I nod hugging him. "I love you so much" I smiled against his chest.

"I love you too" he says, kissing my head. "I'm surprised Adalynn is still sleeping. She's usually up by now" I say, grabbing orange juice from the fridge and poured some for me. "I know. I had to check a few times to make sure she was still breathing" Shawn laughed.

"HEY!!!!!" Sebastian yelled, running into the kitchen. "Shhhh! Your sister is still sleeping!" I chuckled and Shawn grabs a pan. "What's for breakfast?" Seb asked, sitting at the counter. "I'm gonna make eggs" Shawn says, grabbing the eggs.

"Is Uncle Jeremy going to drive with us when we visit Uncle Jaxon?" Seb asked. "I don't think so. We're taking two separate cars so we're probably going to meet them at the hotel" I answered and Seb frowned. "If you want you could ask him if he wants to ride with us" I say and Seb grins happily.

"After you eat breakfast you're gonna hop in the shower and then Adalynns gonna take a bath" Shawn says, cooking the eggs and Sebastian nods. "Can I have my iPad?" He asked. "Not right now. Maybe after you get ready and eat" I answered and he nods.

"Hey baby!" I smiled as I see Adalynn walk out into the kitchen. "I'm hungry" she says. "I know. Daddy's making breakfast right now" I say, picking her up and helping her up on the chair. "Is everything packed? I'm going to put all the suitcases and stuff in the car so we don't have to worry about it later" I asked looking at Shawn.

"I actually already packed the car this morning so everything is ready. Adalynn's iPad is also set up already and it's charging right now" he answered and I couldn't help but smile. "Look at that. Daddy's on a roll" I smiled. "What can I say? I'm the best" he says, putting his hands on his hips like a superhero and I chuckled.

I always say this but I'm extremely lucky to have someone like him in my life. He's the best dad to the kids and the best husband to me. He's so helpful around the house and I'm just thankful for that because I know a lot of parents may struggle when it comes to their boyfriends or husbands not being as helpful as they should be. If it weren't for him I don't think I would've been able to do everything.

"If you want you could go take a shower and get ready while the kids eat. I'll keep a plate of eggs for you on the side" Shawn suggested and I nod. I walked off into our bedroom and got ready to take a shower.

After about an hour I finished getting ready. I took a shower, did my makeup, blow dried my hair, curled it, and even got dressed. When you have kids you learn how to get ready faster. Before I had Adalynn I took like 3 hours just to get ready.

I was wearing a reddish floral dress with my black knee high boots

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I was wearing a reddish floral dress with my black knee high boots. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and walked into the kitchen to see Sebastian on the couch with his iPad.

His hair was done and he was dressed as well. "Where's daddy?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. "He's giving Adalynn a bath" he answered and I nod grabbing my plate of eggs.

After we finished getting ready we went to my dads house, ate thanksgiving dinner, and just spent quality time with family and then around 6 we left to go see Jaxon.

How do you think the visit will go with Jaxon?

Do you think secrets will come out?

Do you think someone's going to say something about Jaxon and Aaliyah?

Do you think Aaliyah should go with them? Why or why not?

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