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Aimee's POV
It was Saturday so I was just at him with Shawn and the kids since we both had off today. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon. I was just on the couch watching the kids play. My phone starts ringing and I saw that it was my dad.

"Hey daddy!" I smiled, taking a sip of my soda.

"Hey! I know it's last minute but would you wanna go visit Jaxon again?" He asked and I just sighed looking down. "That isn't a good idea. He clearly stated last time that he didn't want to see me" I answered.

"I know but he actually just called to ask if you could go visit him alone and that he needs to talk to you. He sounded upset and desperate" he says and I couldn't help but smile. "Okay!!!" I say, hanging up excitedly.

I got up and quickly put my shoes on. "Jaxon just called my dad and asked if I could visit him" I smiled, grabbing my keys and my purse.

"That's amazing!" Shawn smiled. "You'll be okay with the kids?" I asked, kissing Adalynn and Sebastians head. "Of course Aimee" he says, kissing me.

"Good luck and have fun" he says and I smiled walking out of the apartment and got in my car. I take a deep breath and drove off.

Me and the other families were just in the room waiting for the boys to come in. I was kinda nervous obviously from last time I was here but hopefully this time will be better.

I smiled as the boys walked into the room. Jaxon looks at me and I was about about to get up to give him a hug but I then remembered last time. "It's okay. I won't snap at you" he says hugging me and I smiled hugging back and then we sat down.

"I was kinda shocked you asked me to come" I chuckled and he scratched his head nervously. "Yeah. After you left last time I felt terrible. I haven't slept in days and just needed to talk to you in person. I just wanted to apologize for last time especially for blaming you for getting me locked up. It was not your fault at all Aimee. I was just hurting and obviously scared. I've never thought I would get arrested and I regret everything I have done. If I tell you this please don't tell anyone" he says and I nod.

"Most of the shit I have done. You know with the smoking, doing pot, and drinking was all because I was hurting. Ever since our mom passed away it's like nothing has been the same. I miss her so much so the only way to take away the pain is by smoking and drinking. I just felt so alone and you're always busy with everyone else it's like you don't have time for me. I tried talking to you a few times but it's like you were avoiding me. I was dating someone that broke up with me for someone else and that I fell in love with someone else's girl" he says and I looked at him.

"I'm so sorry Jaxon. You're right. I should've been there for you. I guess I just didnt really realize how much you were hurting. I'm here now and you could trust me with everything or anything you need to talk about. Who are you in love with?" I asked and he looked down and mumbled a name. I hear the name but I was kinda hoping I just misunderstood him. "What?" I asked nervously.

"Aaliyah" he says looking at me and I chuckled nervously. "Ooooo. What's her last name?" I asked, hoping it wasn't who I was thinking.

"Mendes" he slowly answered. "As in Jeremy's girlfriend? The girl OUR brother is dating?" I asked and he nods. "She made the first move on me. I was upset because me and my girlfriend had broken up and she was there for me and then kissed me and we hooked up"

1) are you happy Jaxon asked Aimee to visit him?

2) do you like Aaliyah? If yes or no, why?

3) how do you feel about Jaxon?

4) how do you feel about Aaliyah hooking up with Jaxon?

5) how do you think Aimee feels and why?

6) what should Aimee do with a secret like this?

7) do you think Jeremy will find out? Do you think Aimee should tell or keep this secret and why?

8) what do you think will happen if Jeremy finds out?

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