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Aimee's POV
I've been up since 3 with Adalynn constantly throwing up. She was currently with us in our bed cause she couldn't fall asleep last night. I hate when my babies are sick. It sucks.

I carefully grabbed my phone to see it was about 6 in the morning. I groaned and got out of bed carefully not waking up Adalynn. Shawn was already up.

I went to the bathroom and then walked into the living room where Shawn was sitting playing on his phone and drinking his coffee. "Is she still sleeping?" He asked and I nod.

"Yeah. I'm gonna call Christine and let her know Adalynn isn't going to school today. What are we gonna do though? We can't take her to the police station with us" I say. "I mean we could ask my mom to babysit" Shawn suggested and I smiled.

"Wait. I know who we could ask" I smiled, pulling out my phone and he stared at me. I called Meredith and she answered on the first ring. "Hey Meredith! Did I wake you?" I asked and Shawn smiled walking into the kitchen.

"Not at all. I've been up since like 5 for some reason. What's up?" She asked. "Shawn and I have to be somewhere and Adalynn is sick so we don't want her to go to the daycare. Would you be able to come over and watch her for a few hours?" I asked. "What time? Because I have to be at work by 1" she answered.

"If you want you could come over around 7? We should be home before 12" I suggested. "Okay. I'll see you later then!" She says hanging up and I smiled calling the daycare.

"Rainbow Children, how may we help you?" Christine asked, answering the phone. "Hey Christine. I just wanted to let you know that Adalynn will not be coming in today. She's been up since 3 and is not feeling good at all" I say.

"Oh no. Give her kisses and hugs for me and tell her I hope she feels better. Are you still going to the thing today?" She asked, talking about the police station. "Yes we are" I answered.

"Good luck and keep me updated!" She says and I smiled. "Thank you!" I say, hanging up as Shawn walks into the living room. "Meredith is coming around 7 and she's gonna stay with Adalynn until we get back" I say, and he nods. "Okay! I'm gonna get Adalynns stuff together to make it easier on Meredith. You know, like the medicine, her drinks, snacks, and all of that stuff. Why don't you get ready?" He says and I smiled. "Okay" I simply says, slowly getting up.

"Holy fuck nuggets" I groaned, falling onto the couch. "Are you okay?!" Shawn asked, helping me up. "Yeah. I'm just in a lot of pain today for some reason. It's really bad cramps. It's feels like I'm giving birth. It feels like real bad contractions" I say, holding onto Shawn while he pulls me up.

"Should we call the doctors?" He asked, worried. "No. I'm sure it's fine. I'm gonna go get dressed" I say, slowly walking into my bedroom in pain. I looked at the bed to see Adalynn still asleep. I smiled and started to get dressed.

By the time I finished getting ready Meredith got here. I smiled walking into the living room to see her talking to Shawn. "Hey. Thank you for coming" I smiled, hugging her. "Of course. Thank you for asking me! It seriously meant a lot to me" she smiled, pulling away.

"Awww. If you ever want to come over or even take the kids out somewhere, don't ever be afraid to ask me. You, Aunt Tori and of course your father are the only person we ever trust to watch our kids. Besides our family but you get the point" I say, and she looked at me with a smile. "Omg. You're gonna make me cry" she chuckled.

"Can I ask where you're going?" She asked and I looked at Shawn. "It's not that we don't trust you, we do. We just don't wanna tell anyone just yet. We'll probably start telling people after today" Shawn answered and she nods understanding.

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