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Aimee's POV
I woke up to Adalynn crying. I hurried up and ran into her bedroom to see her standing in her crib. "Shhh baby" I say, holding her close. "Everything okay?" Shawn asked, walking in and I nod. "Yeah. I don't think she's feeling well. She woke up like 3 times during the night" I say, looking at the clock on her wall. It was 4 in the morning.

"Okay. Let's check her temperature" Shawn says walking out of the bedroom and I followed him. He gets the thermometer and takes her temperature. "Yeah she's running a fever" Shawn says putting it away and I sighed.

"If you want I could stay home with her" he suggested and I shook my head. "No. It's okay. You stay home all the other times so it's my turn" I say and he smiled. "Do we have Tylenol" I asked and he shook his head. "No. If you want I could drop Sebastian at daycare so you only have to worry about Adalynn and I'll stop at the store to get Tylenol and come back. I'll just tell my work that I'll be a little late. And then I'll try leaving early so I could pick Seb up on time" he says and I smiled.

"I could probably ask Jeremy to pick him up from daycare so you're not rushing" I suggested and he nods. He looks at Adalynn and his eyes widened.

"Aimee don't move your hands. She's literally leaking out poop" he says and my eyes widened. She wears underwear now which makes it worst. "Okay. You call your brother and Christine and I'll give Adalynn a bath and change her" he says, carefully taking Adalynn away from me.

I grabbed my phone and threw myself on the couch. I pulled up Christine's contact and called her. "Hey Aimee!" She says. "Hey. Did I wake you?" I asked.

"No. I actually just finished taking a shower so I've been up. What's up?" She asked and I sighed. "Well looks like I'm gonna have to take the day off after all. Adalynn is sick. She's running a fever and she has diarrhea" I answered.

"Oh no. My poor baby!!" She says.

"Shawn is gonna drop Sebastian off if that's okay. Jeremy might pick him up. If not him then Shawn will" I say.

"Of course. No problem!! I hope she feels better!!" She says and I smiled. "Thank you!" I say hanging up. I then called Jeremy. After a few rings he answered.

"Hello?" He asked tiredly. "Did I wake you up?" I asked. "No. I just randomly got up at 4:30 in the morning" he answered sarcastically and I chuckled. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay." He says. "Are you home?" I asked. "No. I'm at Aaliyah's. Why? What's up?" He asked and I sighed. "Adalynn is running a fever and she doesn't feel good so I'm staying home with her but we're still sending Seb to daycare so I was wondering if you could pick him up anytime in the afternoon" I say.

"Yeah of course!!" He says excitedly and I smiled. "Thank you so much Jer" I say. "Of course. Anytime" he says and with that we hung up. "She's all cleaned" Shawn says bringing Adalynn back.

He put another pair of pajamas on her.

"Come here" I smiled, taking Adalynn from Shawn

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"Come here" I smiled, taking Adalynn from Shawn. "I talked to Jeremy. He said he'll pick up Sebastian" I say and he smiled. "Perfect" he says. "I'm gonna start getting him ready" he says walking out and I smiled laying on the couch. Adalynn fell back asleep but I just wanted to cuddle with her for a little.

After about 10 minutes Shawn walks in with Seb. "Hey baby" I smiled. "Can I stay home too?" He frowns. "I don't think that'll be a great idea because I don't want you getting sick but hey. Uncle Jeremy is picking you up later" I say and a huge smile spread across his face.

"Owww" I groaned in pain. "What's wrong?" Shawn asked concerned. "Nothing. I'm just cramping and I'm feeling nauseous" I answered as my phone started ringing.

"You sure you don't want me to take the day off?" He asked and I nod. "I'll be fine" I say answering my phone. "Hey dad" I say rubbing Adalynns back.

"Hey. I'm only calling cause I got bored and I figured you'd be up getting ready for work or something" he says.

"I'm taking the day off because Adalynn is sick" I say. "Oh no. My poor baby" he says. "I know" I say kissing her head.

"Oh yeah. I remember why I actually called now. So Jaxons probation officer called me. They sent him to the juvenile detention center. It's about 45 minutes away. He gets phone calls 2 times a week and visitations are only Wednesdays and Saturday's for 45 minutes. I can't visit tomorrow so I was wondering if you'd like to" he says and I smiled.

"I'd love to! What time?" I asked. "It's at 6 and you need your drivers license" he says and I smiled. "Okay!"

"I'm not gonna tell him either. It'll be a surprise!" He says. "Okay sounds good!" I smiled hanging up. Shortly after, Shawn and Sebastian left. For the rest of the day me and Adalynn napped and just relaxed.
How do you think the visitation with Jaxon will go?

Between Jaxon and Jeremy who is your favorite? And why?

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