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Aimee's POV
It's been a few weeks. We've been visiting Jaxon every weekend and he's been doing so good. Everyone also believed that Jaxon hasn't been doing  drugs and a mistake must've happened. So Nate, his probation officer, made him take another drug test and it came back negative. Anyways, I was just at work obviously working and Sebastian was in school and Adalynn was in her classroom with Miss. Nicole.

My cell phone started ringing and I look to see it was Shawn. "Hey baby. What's up?" I asked.

"I was just wondering what time you'll be home" he asked. "I'm probably gonna stay the entire day and then take Adalynn to gymnastics" I answered looking at my computer.

"Really? You've literally been working so crazy these past few weeks. You've worked from 6 in the morning to 6 at night. That's 12 hours of working, moving around, etc. Shouldnt you be resting too for the babies?" He asked concerned and I sighed.

"Relax Shawn. Today's my last day for a few weeks because we're going to Colorado tomorrow" I say. "I know. But I'm just worried because all you care about is working and working and when you come home you're dead. You're so exhausted and I'm just worried because you should be getting rest especially because you're pregnant" he says and I sighed.

"Don't worry about it Shawn. I'll be fine" I say getting annoyed and I hear him sigh. "What are you doing? Did you finish packing the kids stuff yet?" I asked, changing the subject. "No. I'm actually at the store right now because I needed a break. Can you believe I've been to 3 different stores and none of them has any winter clothes, pajamas,  snow suites, snow boots, or anything?" He says and my eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Dead serious" he answered and I groaned. "I guess we'll just have to wait till we get to Colorado to buy all that stuff" I say and he agreed. "Okay. I'm gonna let you go back to work. I love you" he says, hanging up. I placed my phone on the desk and looked back at my computer.

"Hey!" Christine smiled sitting next to me. "Hey" I say, leaning back in my chair. "I'm gonna miss you the next few weeks that you're gone" she groaned. "I'm gonna miss you too" I smiled.

"Aimee!!" I heard Jill yell and the daycare phone starts ringing. "Go see what she needs. I'll answer the phone" Christine says. I smiled and ran into the baby room. "What's up?" I smiled closing the door. "Can you come over here and look at Sterlings eye. It looks like he has pink eye. It looked like this when he came in but his mom told me it was nothing" Jill says, holding the baby on the changing table and I closely looked at it without touching him.

"Yes. That's definitely a pink eye. It's swollen, dry, pink, and there's stuff coming out of the corner of his eye. Try to keep him in the bouncer away from the other children. Try cleaning all the toys he played with or at least put them in the disinfected bucket so the afternoon people could clean them later. Make sure you wear gloves especially when you're holding him or whatnot. I'm gonna call his mom and tell her to pick him up. I can't believe she actually sent him here knowing about his eye!" I say and Jill looked at me.

"You're actually gonna call??" She asked, sounding surprised. "Of course! I'm not gonna let him stay here while he's contagious!" I say and she chuckled. "Remember Rosie? The owner before you started working here? She never cared. When someone was sick or had pink eye she would constantly just say to keep an eye on it and never called the parents" Jill says and I laughed. "Good thing that she doesn't work here anymore. I'll be right back!" I say, walking out. "Sterling has pink eye!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone from Christine. "Are you serious??" She asked and I nod dialing Sterlings moms number.

On the third ring she finally answered. "Hey! This is Aimee from Rainbow Children. I just wanted to inform you that Sterling is showing symptoms of pink eye and we need you to come get him as soon as possible" I say and she groaned.

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