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Aimee's POV
It's been a week since the ultrasound appointment. No one knows that we're having twins. Me and Shawn decided that we wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. We thought it would be fun to surprise them with the twins when they come and I'm so excited.

I was really nervous about having twins because it's obviously scary. We already have 2 kids and no we're having 2 more at the same time. But I'm honestly really excited to see. It would be awesome if we had a boy and a girl so Seb has someone and Adalynn has someone but I would be happy with whatever we have.

Anyways, it's been a crazy week and it's Friday. We went house hunting on Sunday and we're going again tomorrow and today is Adalynn's first gymnastics practice. She's so excited and won't stop talking about it.

We're thinking about signing Sebastian up for some kind of sport too. We think it would be good for the both have them so they have something to do and so they meet new people etc. We obviously gonna let him pick so he's actually doing something he enjoys but we haven't talked to him yet. We're probably gonna talk with him sometime over the weekend.

Me and Shawn were just at home with the kids. It was around 4. I did go to work but I left at like 2 when I normally leave and Seb got home from school at 3:30. Shawn had off of work so he went to the store to pick up a leotard for Adalynn for her gymnastics practice.

Is it bad how excited I am? If it's even possible, I might be more excited then Adalynn is. We might have a little gymnast in the family.

Shawn was gonna stay home with Sebastian and I was gonna take Adalynn but Shawn decided to come too so he could see Adalynn during her first practice and see how good she does.

Shawn is in Adalynns room getting her all ready. I already packed her a bag of everything the coach told us to bring. "MOMMY!!! LOOK! I LOOK LIKE A MURMAID" Adalynn yelled trying to say mermaid.

She had a purple and pink mermaid leotard on and it looked so adorable on her

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She had a purple and pink mermaid leotard on and it looked so adorable on her. "You look so cute!!" I smiled. "I know!" She says spinning around and I chuckled.

"Stand still" I say, grabbing my phone and snapping a pic and sent it to my family group chat.

Oh and if you're wondering what happened during court for Jaxon it didn't happen. We went there and they decided to postpone it cause he got a new public defender so now we have to wait till next Wednesday which sucks.

"Ready to go?" I smiled and Adalynn nods as Sebastian comes out from the bathroom. "I'll carry my bag!" She smiled, grabbing her gymnastics bag from Shawn.

I looked at Shawn and smiled. "Let's do this" I smiled, walking out. Him and Sebastian followed me and Adalynn.

If I'm being completely honest I'm obviously excited but now I'm really nervous. "You have no idea how happy I am to finally buy a house and not have to go down in a elevator" I chuckled and I heard Shawn chuckle.

"When are we moving?" Sebastian asked. "We have to find a house first. Me and your mom are going to look at houses and you and Adalynn are probably going to grandpas and if I'm not mistaken Uncle Jeremy has plans with you" Shawn answered.

"YAY" he yelled excitedly and I smiled as we finally got to the car. "So, are you nervous?" I asked as I buckled Adalynn into her car seat. "No. I'm really excited" she says and I smiled.

We just walked into the gym and Adalynn was so surprised. "OH MY GOSH!!" She yelled jumping up and down excitedly as I filmed her. "Hey! You must be Adalynn" a lady approached her and Adalynn smiled at her.

"Who are you?" She asked but it was in a polite way. "I'm Lisa. I'll be your gymnastics coach. I'm gonna teach you all these different things like flips, how to balance on a balance beam and how to do flips on the bars you swing on" she says and I smiled.

"Would you wanna go sit down with the other girls?" The coach asked pointing to the girls that are the same age as Adalynn. "Okay!!" She says, dropping her bag and running over to the girls.

"Damn. I don't think she's ever been this excited about anything. She's usually shy too" I laughed as the coach walked up to her. "She's literally the cutest thing I've ever seen" Lisa said and I smiled.

"I'm Aimee, that's my husband Shawn and Adalynn's big brother Sebastian" I say introducing us.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sure you probably really don't wanna be here watching girls do gymnastics but we do have a basketball court that the boys your age usually play at while we practice if you get bored" she tells Sebastian and he nods smiling.

"Anyways, the practice usually lasts around an hour or two depending on the age group. Since it's Adalynn first day the assistant coach over there will be going over the easy steps with Adalynn such as how to balance on the beam and how to old on to the bars and everything like that. Her name is also Adalynn so it's gonna be a bit confusing" Lisa laughed and I chuckled.

"You're always free to stay and watch or you could leave and come back to pick her up. And feel free to take pics of Adalynn. Just try cutting out any other kids face just because of privacy reasons" she added and we nod.

"Thank you!" I smiled and she nods running off. "Hey my name is Issac! Do you wanna play basketball with me?" A boy with a basketball and his dad approached Sebastian. He looked the same age too.

"I don't know how to play" Sebastian answered. "That's okay! We'll teach you! My dad is a basketball coach at school so he knows a lot!" Isaac says and Sebastian looked at us. "Can I go daddy?" He begged and I smiled.

"Of course" Shawn says. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of him. I'll bring him back when practice is over" his dad said and I nod. "By the way my name is Kris" he added.

"I'm Aimee and that's my husband Shawn" I say shaking his hand. "Have fun" I smiled as he walked off with Issac and Kris.

"I'm so happy we did this for Adalynn. Not only is she making friends but Sebastian is as well" Shawn says as we sit down and I nod.

Sebastian isn't really that good at making friends. He's just so shy and just refuses to talk to anyone in his class or even when he's at the daycare. We always question him if he's being bullied or whatever and he always says no so we're kind of concern about that.

I watched as coach Adalynn was teaching Adalynn different things and watching Adalynn get excited every time she did something right was honestly the cutest thing ever.

I'm so proud of my babygirl. I was just sitting there crying while Shawn was filming and taking pictures. He looked at me and laughed. "I'm sorry. These hormones are already starting" I laughed wiping my tears away.

The practice went amazing and Adalynn was so good and he can't wait for her next practice. She looked so cute out there and she was just having so much fun. After practice we just went out to eat and went home. We didn't do much for the rest of the day.

How long do you think Adalynn will be doing gymnastics?

Do you think it will be for long?

How do you feel about Aimee having another baby or should we say 2 babies?

Do you think they'll be able to handle it?

How do you feel about them keeping it a secret from everyone?

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