Chapter 24

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When Hope got back from spending the day with her parents, she went to her room and found out that Maya was not there. After Hope changed into comfy clothes she went to the twins room and still couldn't find her best friends. Today was a Saturday and it's normally game night with the squad, so she went to the game room that nobody knows about except the Super Squad. Hope, Lizzie, and Josie came across it when they where little since they grew up in the boarding school it became their second room. When Hope got there she saw all her friends fighting over what movie to watch and a new wolf that she may or may not have made out with while being drunk.

Hope: So what movies is it this time?

All: HOPE!!!

Lizzie: I thought you were going to stay at your family house today?

Hope: I lied to my parents and told them I had a big test coming up and I haven't studied for it.

Josie: But the only test you have coming up is about the originals and oldest wolves in history...

Lizzie: Which is your family's history...

Maya: You should be teaching that class not taking it.

Hope: Like I said I lied to them cause it game night but at the looks of this it's movie night.

Ethan: Let's Hope decide, Twilight or Harry Potter?

Hope: Oh that's a tricky one which ones you have picked out?

Lizzie: the first ones of both cause newbie has never seen either.

Hope: Harry Potter for sure than.

Kaleb: I told you she would pick that.

Hope: Who said I would pick Twilight over Harry Potter?

Lizzie: All the boys.

Josie: Not true Ethan said she would pick Harry Potter.

Ethan: That's only because I dated her, and she once made me watch every single Harry Potter movie ever made in one day.

Maya: And she also made sure you read the books in a week.

Hope: So true.

Kaleb: Wait what about Maya?

Maya: I already read and watched all Harry Potters books and movies.

Hope: True cause we did it together.

M.G: Movie time, wait we have a test in supernatural history this week?

Hope: Don't worry M.G. I'll help you let's watch this movie before Alaric makes us go back to our rooms.

Rafael: Wait are you all on first name basis with the headmaster?

Maya: Hope is and he is Lizzie and Josie's dad. The rest of us call him Dr. S sometimes we call him Ric when we aren't around other students.

Rafael: Cool...

Hope: Oh before I forget did they tell you everything or did they leave stuff out?

Josie: We told him everything we have to tell so what does that tell you?

Hope: That some stuff was left out don't worry tomorrow after breakfast meet me at the mill ok.

Rafael: Ok...

Kaleb: Ok movie time everybody ready?

All: yes!!

They watched the first Harry Potter and while watching the second they all fell asleep. Dr. S checked in on them once and saw that they were all asleep, so he let them be. When morning came Hope was the first one up like always. She was sleeping next to Maya while the twins were next to each other and the boys all is one ball cause the girls stole all the blankets. When Hope got up Rafael was getting up too. They figured to let the others sleep and bring them food for when they do get up to. On the way back from getting everyone food they started to talk.

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