Chapter 28

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When Hope and the girls got to the party it was in full swing. The group was watched closely for multiple reasons but one more than the others. Everyone knew Hope was back but no one knew why she left in the first place. Well except her friends and the staff, the other students tried to get the squad to talk but all they said it wasn't theirs to tell. Hope couldn't ask for better friends. The girls stuck together for most of the night talking about anything and everything.

Maya: Since your back does that mean your Alfa again or what?

Lizzie: While we are on this subject does that mean you are taking back your responsibilities with the witches and teach them offensive magic cause like Josie and I are trying but we have no one teaching us these spells so trying to learn and teach at the same time is hard.

Maya: the Wolves understand you had a family emergency they just don't like how you put Ethan and I in charge while you where gone.

Hope: I will help you and Josie with the spells so than you can teach them until I get fully back at school let me ease into ok Liz?

Lizzie: That works also some of these witches are bitches I tell you.

Hope: Tell be about I'm looking at one.

Maya: Ooo... She told you.

Hope: And Maya I know Jed can be... What's the word I'm looking for...

Maya: A dick.

Lizzie: A pompous ass

Josie: All true he just wishes he can be Alfa he hates taking orders he wishes he can give them.

Hope: All true and to answer you about me going back to being Alfa same thing I told Lizzie is let me ease into it if I take on to much at once let's just say my family would be taking me far from here until I learn absolute control.

Maya: Isn't that the reason you left for a month?

Hope: Yea so I wouldn't tear anyone apart by them saying the wrong thing or something.

Josie: But you are better right like we wouldn't be covering for you all the time when you go missing for a few hours or days.

Hope: Relax Jos I'm good my family ran all the scenarios they could think of that would make me loose control.

Lizzie: What about euphoria?

Maya: Yea they couldn't make sure you would stay in control when making out with someone or even making out with someone well being dunk.

Hope: For one I'm not drunk I met be a little tipsy. And for two get me a shot of the strongest liquid courage we have and I'll prove to you I'm in complete and under control.

Lizzie: And if your not?

Hope: I will personally give you my aunts' numbers mainly cause if my dad, mom and or uncles find out I'll never hear the end of it.

Maya: Deal I would call Keelin, Lizzie can call Freya, Josie can call Davina, and who would call Rebekah?

Lizzie Oh can I call Rebekah she is my favorite original vampire.

Josie: Then who would call Freya?

Hope: It won't have to come to that come on before I back out of this tonight.

After doing a few shots Hope and the girls went to the dance floor with the boys. After awhile the whole group was hammered and had split up. Lizzie was the first one to notice Hope missing and when she did she went straight to her sister and Maya cause who knows what can happen. They have been looking for Hope for almost an hour until they spotted her and Rafael making out hardcore.

Maya: Ok so what we do now make sure she doesn't rip him apart or what cause I seriously don't want to keep watching this.

Josie: Same or are you forgetting Liz Maya and I both used to be with her and it's just awkward watching this.

Lizzie: Well since we've been looking for her for a good hour and who knows how long she was missing before we realized I'm guessing she is fine let's go and get the rest of the gang ready for the sleep over and they may or may not join us who knows.

Josie: Good idea now let's go before they go any further.

Maya: Ah yea.

As the three of them were walking back to their other friends they felt a gust of wind go past them. They turned around and didn't see anything so they went to go meet up with the others Hope Mikaelson is standing in front of them.

Hope: You do know I have wicked super hearing and it's kinda hard to turn it off.

Maya: So let me guess you heard all that back there?

Hope: Ya think.

Lizzie: So what did you tell Raf.

Hope: That we are drunk and should wait till we are not and that we had to meet up with the others for our hangover slumber party.

Josie: That's a nice name for it and I guess everything is in check and we don't have to call any of your aunts tonight yay.

Maya: Or any of the other Mikaelsons I swear nothing ever comes good when every single one is together.

Hope: That is true well except this past month it was great to have a little family reunion and all it took was me dieing and activating my vampire side.

Josie: Not right still to fresh to talk about.

Lizzie: Are you even drunk anymore?

Hope: Oh no I haven't felt drunk for about two hours now.

Josie: Lucky you vampires and werewolves are so lucky you don't have to deal with hangovers.

Maya: Oh trust me Hope makes this stuff that is so strong even originals have hangovers.

Hope: That was an accidental thing and it was Ethan's fault.

Josie: Why does it seem they know more about you than we do and we grew up together.

Hope: Cause I also grew up around them growing up when I wasn't with you two I was with them.

Lizzie: Don't you think it's funny how you have two sets of twins that are friends and out the four of them you've slept with three.

Hope: Nope not at all.

Lizzie: You're special Mikaelson, very very special.

Hope: Aw thanks Lizzie.

As the girls were talking they went to their hangout room to meet up with the boys. After everyone arrived and they put a movie on everyone pasted out. It was a very eventful day for everyone.

A/N: Hope you like and sorry for the lack of staying on track that would be my ADHD showing. Hope everyone is safe and having a blast tonight since it's Superbowl Sunday I'm a Steelers fan and since they aren't playing I'm going for the chiefs tonight. Be safe and stay healthy remember even super heros wear masks!!! 😷😷😷

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